Week 3 & 4 – Turkey

Hi guysss, I’m back. But at first: I’m real real real sorry that I’m writing my blog just now. The wifi in Turkey was so bad, and my macbook wouldn’t load a single thing. So I decided to wait to get back home, and write in my home sweet home. I’m gonna tell you all about my two weeks in this beautiful country. 

Since I did a looooot of things in Turkey, I decided to pick the 3 things I liked most. Let’s start!

At my mom & grandpa’s birthday, we decided to visit my aunt and uncle in a hotel, which was near our house. It’s called Utopia World. AND REALLY it is so beautiful. We came there at first and there was a huuuuge breakfast, there were all sorts of things from turkish food to dutch food to french food to american food etc etc. There was so much choice and I’m not really much of decision person. After the breakfast, we went to the sea. They built an amazing pier where we could jump off or just sunbath. We had lunch and dinner there also, and idk it was one of the most beautiful hotels I’ve ever seen.


My second fave experience was the Sapadera Canyon, we go there every year because I want to (oops) but I just love it so much. You guys saw it on instagram, but it is just one of my fave things to do: seeing the beautiful nature of countries. Well, Turkey has a lot of beautiful nature. FOR REAL if you’re ever near Alanya, please go there. You will never regret it.


Then my third but not last favorite experience was Cleopatra’s Castle. It’s not much of a castle anymore, but the remains of it hahaha. I wanted to go there because I really love old stories. Like from Rome and Egyptian and stuff like that. So this was a castle from Cleopatra when she had to run from Rome with her lover, it’s sad because she actually died there (she was poisoned). It’s a shame there are only remains of it, but my granddad said they are thinking about rebuilding it, SO THAT WOULD BE LIT.


So those were my 3 favorite things in Turkey, besides swimming and sunbathing of course!!!!!!!!!! Since so many people want to get a tan, I wanted to reveal some tips to you to get a nice tan!

  • As I said in my previous blogpost: Go into the sun everyday for half an hour, the best time is around 11 am. If your skin gets exposed to the sun too much, you won’t a tan quicker.
  • Eat a lot of carrots and tomatoes. The pigment in those vegetables will help you get more tanned, because it’s orange and red.
  • Use suncream, people think you wont get a tan if you use it, but you will get an equal and beautiful tan, if you want to get a tan quicker, use this one: http://www.australiangoldshop.nl/australian-gold-spf-30-spray-gel-met-bronzer?gclid=CKm3kv2l684CFZKZGwodecsKVw
  • You CAN GET A TAN IN THE SHADOW. it’s much better for your skin and you will get a tan: promise.
  • Avoid the sun between 12.30 and 15.00, between then you’ll most likely get a sunburn.

I hope you thought these tips were handy: I use them every holiday, and I love my long-lasting tan. 🙂

Also I wanted to talk about how y’all MUST check out this website: chiqueboss.com. If you saw me slay in there amazing Dress So Sexy, you must be convinced. Also their founder is amazing AND JUST CHECK IT OUT. Don’t forget to use my code: JOANN to get a discount!!!!!!!! :):):)

Schermafbeelding 2016-08-31 om 11.12.39.png

My favorite low carb dish this two weeks was definitely the crusty chicken. I’ve made this before, but this time they were amaaaaaaaaazing. We left some things out of the original recipe, like the lime and the nuts.  Dutchies, the recipe: https://www.gobento.nl/crusty-kipnuggets

  • Bacon chips
  • Chicken breast (little pieces)
  • Eggs
  • Pepper & Salt
  • Herbs of your own choice

I will explain it to the rest of you. Well, first you gotta crush  bacon chips, so there are tiny bits of it left. When you’ve done that, you crush the eggs in a mug and you dip the little chicken breast pieces in it, after you dip it in the egg, you dip it in the bacon chips.

When you did this with all of the chicken breast, you put in the oven for 20 minutes on 200 degree celsius.


Last monday evening, we went back to Holland. To be honest, I was kinda happy. I just love my home in Holland and how beautiful Turkey may be, I MISSED MY BED. But I will miss Turkey with whole my heart. The people are so nice and the weather is lit and everything is so beautiful. I made so many good memories with my cousins, my sister, brother, mom, dad and of course: Robin. This was the best holiday so far and I hope it will be like this every year again.

This weekend something super excited will happen. I’m not gonna tell you what. But I’m 100% sure you will love it. You’re gonna find out what when it happens, ANNDDDD I will tell you sunday of course. So you wanna know what I did this week and what will happen this weekend? Keep posted!!! Thank you for reading babes 🙂

Week 2 – Holiday Vibes

I’M SO LUCKY BECAUSEEEE I AM NOT IN HOLLAND ANYMORE. Yes!!!!!!!!! It was a really shitty weather in Holland and now I’m finally gone for a couple of days. SO yeah I’m really excited and happy. I’ve been here since friday… Wanna know where I am? Read ahead…

Hi babessss, here I am. It’s still kinda weird, writing to you all while I’m eating… But I also look forward to it every week. I didn’t do much at the beginning of this week. I bought a bikini in Groningen (picture coming) and catched pokémon and travelled home from Robin’s house.


THE POKEMON WERE AMAZING THO. I catched an Onix, Dragonite, Exeggutor, Lapras, Snorlex,  evolved my Vulpix into a Ninetales… SO YEAH I WAS SO HAPPY. But  ok, I also wasn’t happy because the weather in Holland sucked like it was raining the WHOLE time but it’s! summer! wtf! holland! cry. But when I got home, there was amazing, low-carb FOOD. Thanks to my mom, because she’s an amazing cook and I not entirely suck….. So my mom cooked, and my favorite low-carb dish this week was a salad with mozzarella and chicken breast, it has the following ingredients:

  • 80 gram cornsalad
  • half a ball of mozzarella
  • a few pieces of cucumber
  • 4 mini tomatoes
  • half a smoked chicken breast
  • couple of pinenuts
  • a piece of bacon

You just have to put everything on top of each other (in little pieces), so it will finally looks like this: (picture is coming, you can look here for a picture and DUTCHIES this is the dutch recipe: https://www.gobento.nl/sla-mozzarella-en-kipfilet/ )

So thursday night we had to go to the airport at 3 am, so I decided to stay up with my sister Lizzy. And we cAught up with Pretty Little Liars. (did you see whAt I did there?????). AND OH MY GOD IF YOU’RE NOT UP TO DATE DOn’T READ THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE;;;::::




Okay so anyway I’m really obsessed with PLL but I’m so mad that it always takes so long for us to know we A or A.D. is or whatever like you can let us know but not the liars??>!?>!?!>?!?> ok so after catching up, we had to go to the airport. I really can’t tell you much about the travel because I slept until we got to the house…….. iN TURKEY. It’s like the opposite from the weather in Holland so that’s relaxed. My cousins joined me and my family, and of course Robin. When we got here, we immediately jumped into the pool and we swam the whole day!!!!!  I love swimming, especially when it’s in the sea. In the evening we played cards, we played this game called “toepen”, in English it doesn’t have a name but I’ll let wikipedia explain it to you:

Every player is dealt 4 cards from a 32 card deck. The cards are played one at a time face up in tricks. The first card played in a trick determines the suit for that trick. A player must follow suit to win. The goal is to win the last trick. The order of the cards is 10(high), 9, 8, 7, A, K, Q, J. All of the players excluding the winner of the fourth and final trick receives a point. A player may toep or increase the number of points at stake during a round at any time during play. Each toep increases the point value of the round by one. A toep is usually signified by a knock on the playing surface. Upon toeping the opposing players may either fold and receive the previous point total or risk receiving the new increased total by remaining in the round. Once a player reaches a certain amount of points he or she is eliminated.

Thank you Wikipedia. ANYWAY it’s a really nice game and I recommend it to you all. I’m sure we’re gonna play it the whole summer.

So the next day we went to the beach and I was really excited because I love the beach, I love sand and sea and EVERYTHING. We always go from 3 to 8 because the sun is just too hot if you go there around 12 or 1. It’s better to be in the sun around 4 pm than to be in the sun around 12, people always think you’ll get a better tan when it’s hotter outside, but that’s not true. So if you want to get a tan, but don’t want to sweat to death, go sunbathing around 5 pm.

Today we had a really nice breakfast at one of my favorite places, it’s a restaurant but it’s outside next to a river with amazing nature and it’s just so beautiful and the food is GREAT!!!!!! After that we went to the river itself, it’s a really long river and you have a lot of sheds and little boats around it. It always looks so cute, but when you get in the water, it’s not so cute anymore… It’S So COLD!!!!!!!!! You literally freeze to death if you stay in it for like longer than 0.00001 minutes. OK no it’s not that bad, but it’s like 10 degrees so yeah it’s really cold.

I wanted to show you guys pictures, too bad my wifi isn’t coöperating with me sending photos to my computer…. 😦

I’ll keep trying and update my blog when it will work. SORRY. Keep you guys updated via my social media. thanks for reading babes and see you next week!!!!!!! ❤








Week 1 – Keep Blogging

Hi hi guyssss! I’m back and better than ever becauseeeee: I can eat again. YES it’s true. I’m actually really happy because I just love food. Anyway I decided to KEEP blogging. But first let me start with day 9 & my rebuild days.

So Day 9 was the last day I couldn’t eat, I actually didn’t mind not eating for one because I felt really good. But it was over quick, the whole week went pretty fast. I did a lot of fun things that week so yeah it actually makes sense that I didn’t feel like it took that long. I ddin’t do something really interesting on Day 9 and that’s why I thought: lemme skip this because I hate writing bullshit people can do literally nothing with.

My Rebuild Days were kinda though, I wasn’t hungry at all but I had to eat and the only things I was craving were sweet things, but you have a schedule and you gotta hold on to that because other wise you’ll get a yoyo-effect, this means that after your Lemon Detox, your weight will gain as much as you lost in like 2 days. THAT’S NOT WHAT YOU WANT!! Another reason why you don’t want to eat again is that your body has to get used to eating food again, and if you start eating animalistic food, you’ll get really bad cramps and diarrhoea. And trust my dad, that’s not something you want either. I had the exact opposite, I couldn’t go to the toilet so I had massive cramps, like the whole time. Also I didn’t feel well, my head was hurting most of the time and yeah.. It wasn’t nice at all. During the Lemon Juice me and Robin went back to his home and we basically didn’t do anything during this days. I made some friends on this facebook page and they’re amazingly funny and yeah I LOVE THEM. Anyway at the last day you can eat soup and I was so happy to finally eat someting salty.

The Rebuild Days were over, Robin and I travelled to his home by train, but we wanted to keep eating healthy so we decided to change our lifestyle and eat low-carb. For me, this is the best way to lose weight or just stay on your weight. Low-carb basically means you can eat no bread, no pasta, no rice, no chips, no potatoes. I did this once before (last year after the Lemon Detox, not this extreme but no bread and no potatoes) and I lost 10 kilos after the Lemon Detox. I think eating low-carb is just really important, if you want to stay healthy but lose weight really quick.

SO YEAh basically this means we’re on a diet, but it’s not really a diet. You can see the recipes here: https://www.gobento.nl/koolhydraat-arm/. It’s kinda sad because the recipes are only in Dutch, but you can use google translate and read my blog because I will discuss the best recipes here! If you see a recipes and you really want to make it, but google translate doesn’t help you to figure it out, you can always send me a message and I will just translate it for you.

This is basically what I’m gonna do for the coming months, I’m gonna make really healthy but nice food and I will share my favorite recipes with you all! The reason I want to keep blogging is because I get so many positive reactions from you guys and people asked me to start a youtube channel or just keep blogging and I don’t know it inspired me how much I enjoyed you and I though YEAH why not, I’m gonna do this. I will talk about several things on my blog: just my crappy but funny life, healthy foooood, make-up stuff and just general life tips because I’m an awkward expert lol.

OKAY SO MY LIFE SINCE SUNDAY: I didn’t do much but I want to tell you about the really FUN days…. Friday me and Robin were dating for 11 months already, so we decided to go to Groningen and catch some pokémon, do some shopping before we go on vacation and eat some real lOVING SUSHI (I already broke my low-carb code SOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no but sushi is actually really healthy so I hope you guys can forgive me for my mistakes </3). I bought two really cooll necklases for 3 euro the day before and I wore a lil black dress so I wanted to share that with you guys.

We went to the primark to buy some cheap but nice things to wear on vacation, to the bershka (same reason), hunkemöller & to the douglas. I have a new addication called: underwear from the hunkemöller and then especially strings. THEY’RE AMAZING I WOULD POST A PICTURE BUT NO I WON’T BECAUSE IT’S WEIRD BUT I”M REALLY ENCOURAGING YOU ALL TO BUY THEM BECAUSE THEY’RE SO NICE AND YOU WILL NEVER HAVE TO HATE WEARING THEM AGAIN. Yeah basically. At the douglas I bought a dark red lipstick, because I was craving one and I was just mixing aaalllllll of my lipsticks to create a great color. But yeah then I was at the douglas and I saw this color and I thought “fuck this shit” HAHAHa. I bought Viva Glam I from Mac, and it looks this way:

So the bershka was the last store we went and after that we went to the Sushi restaurant. While I was sitting there I wanted to show my friends which lipstick I bought but I couldn’t find it, and then I realized I LEFT MY FUCKING MAC BAG AT THE BERSHKA. I literally freaked out like omg!!!!!!!!! SO I RAN TO THE BERSHKA (I literally ran in my little black dress it would’ve looked really funny) and I WAS SO HAPPY TO HEAR THEY STILL HAD IT. This was a terrible moment hahahaha I’m just so stupid sometimes. Anyway back at the restaurant we ordered and we had enough after the first round (lol) so we waited for like half an hour and then ordered again. It’s really funny because after the Lemon Detox, your stomache is smaller so you eat less food than before. But yeah I did my best and it was so nice.


After that we finally we went to the movie I was waiting for since like 2013: SUICIDE SQUAAAAAD. And it was amazing. My fave character is definitely Harley Quinn and Margot Robbie did such a great job portraying her. I love Margot Robbie……….. The only thing I didn’t like was the way they portrayed the Joker, he had silver teeth and in Batman I always thought he looked like a hot, creepy genius but in Suicide Squad he was just a creep. So that was a shame, ANYWAYS I won’t spoil anything but PLEASE GO THERE.

Today I did something fun too. I went to the sea and there were sand sculptures = sculptures made of sand. They looked amazing and I made photos of all of them:

Today I ALSO MADE MY FAVORITE DISH OF THE WEEK and it was really easy. It was a salmon tartare, you may not know what to expect but I’ll walk you through it, here’s the recipe for the Dutchies: https://www.gobento.nl/zalmtartaar-met-avocado/

For 2 people you need:

  • 200 kilogram of smoked Salmon
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 shallot
  • half a cucumber
  • some plain salad of your own choice


For the sauce you need:

  • 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise
  • 1 tablespoon of soya sauce

Step one: Cut everything into little pieces, the cucumber, the salmon and the shallot. I never cut avocado into little pieces, because it literally sticks everywhere and I hate that so I just throw in big pieces.

Step two: Mix everything together, this way the avocado wil become small too and a sort of binder.


Step three: Take the mayonnaise and the soya sauce and mix them together until it’s light brown.


Step four: Mix the sauce and the salmon mix.

Step five: Make it look cute on a plate!!


TADAAA it’s soooo easy and it tastes like heaven. I hope y’all enjoy this recipe, I sure as hell did.

OH AND BEFORE I FORGET, today I also became a promoter of the amazing webshop ChiqueBoss, (CLICK ON IT) the woman who runs it is a really amazing and inspiring woman and I’m really honored to be promoting her stuff. I’ll keep you updated with my promoting job as well and while you’re here, follow her and her webshop on instagram please! ChiqueBoss + Chiquebossbabe

This was my FIRST WEEK BLOG, I’ll be writing every sunday, afternoon or evening. KEEP POSTED. Love you!!!



Day 8 – Gotta Catch ‘m All!

Rattata, Weedle, Pidgey, Bulbasaur, Pikachu, Squirtle, Charmander, you know them all for sure. We went to the Efteling and we caught pokémon. It was a really fun evening and we even caught a…..

Hi guys! The end is almost near, are y’all sad????? I’m not lol. FOOOOOOOD.


JUUUUUMMMM I’m so excited. Anyway: my day. Today I tried all day to download the Sims 3, but since I’m a big fool with such things I didn’t succeed. SO if anyoNE knows how to download the Sims 3 on a Mac, please, enlighten me. So I decided to do my make-up with an Q&A and I love the animo there was for it!!!!!!! So many questions and so many happy people, I love you all!! When I finished my make-up we went to the efteling to catch pokémon. It was so cool and we even caught a Rhydon!!!!! Yay. It was summer night @ The Efteling, and it always looks so cute when it is. There are lights everywhere and there are so many people and it’s just amazing. If you want to see the Efteling at night, definitely go to a summer night. It’s every saturday when it’s (you’ll never guess) summer.


So this is basically how it looks. Super cute am I right? So yeah that was basically my night & day. This was the almost the last day and it’s actually really weird if you’ve been drinking lemon juice for 8 days now and then you suddenly just gonna eat?????? WELL IN 2 DAYS THAT’S THE CASE. Many people think this is really bad for you, not eating and stuff. But I want to tell you guys that it’s just a rumor. Everything you need is inside the Lemon Juice so you get everything you need, without eating. I know it sounds really weird like “I’m not eating to detox myself”, but it’s TRUE. Food nowadays poisons your body, that’s why you gotta be real careful with what you eat. After this detox, we’re gonna try something new. We’re gonna eat no carbohydrates, we did our research and we think this is the key to really lose weight. AND YOU GOTTA EAT VERY GOOD THINGS. I hate diets, but I think when you eat nice things and just eat enough it’s not bad to be on a diet. Anyway, after the Lemon Detox it’s the best move to go on a diet, or just be careful of what you eat, because your stomach is smaller so you don’t eat that much anymore. Last year for example, I ate one apple on the rebuild days and I was immediately full LOL. It’s such a weird feeling. I’m gonna keep you guys posted with everything I do, and I’ll tell more details about what I’m gonna do after the Rebuild Days, TOMORROW.







Day 7 – Now You See Me

Today I played The Sims all day, so at first I didn’t got anything to tell you guys about. But in the evening we decided to go to the cinema, and I was like YEAH I’m gonna do my make-up and just show you guys whats UP so here we go.

SO YEAH as I said, I kinda played the Sims all day because we were all very lazy. I low-key love the Sims because I just love making them really pretty and stuff HAhahahHA. Anyways, it wasn’t very hard today to not eat. It’s already Day 7 AND IT’S ALMOST OVER!!!!!!! SO I’m really happy and still excited because I did it well this week. It actually went really fast and yeh today was again a good day. I hope with my positive comments about the Lemon Detox, I’ll inspire you all to try it too.

Anyway, around 8 pm I started with my make-up. First I put on my fixing spray, so my make-up stays on fleek, I use the one from Mac, and I think it works pretty great:


I always start with my eyeshadow, otherwise your foundation gets ruined by glitter and stuff. I use these pallets from Revolution, they’re really pigmented and I think they’re not expensive at all. I love them SOOooOOo much, today I used the Flawless Pallet, Iconic Pro 2 and the Essential Shimmers:

I used brown colors tonight, so it looked kinda natural and not really too much. Foundation & concealer comes next, I always put on my foundation with a Beauty Blender, because it just looks really natural. I put on my concealer with a Beauty Blender too. I use Fit Me foundation from Maybeline, IT’S THE BEST FOUNDATION I’VE EVER USED and again not really expensive. My concealer is Liquid Camouflage from Catrice.

After my foundation, I start with my eyeliner. I use gel eyeliner, because it’s the easiest one to work with and create a nice wing. I’m not that good at eyeliner, but the more you try, the easier it gets. I use the one from L’Oreal, it’s the first gel liner I used, so I wouldn’t know if it’s better than any other, but it works pretty great for me. 🙂


AFTER MY EYELINER, MY BROOOOOWSSS. My brows are the things I enjoy most, so yeaaaah. I use Anastasia Bevery Hills Dip brow in soft brown, I’m so happy I bought this because it works perfectly and I think y’all should buy it!!!!! Again this is also a case of the more you try, the better you get at it.

After my brows, I do my contour. I use the revolution pallet, I secretly still want the Anastasia BH pallet, BUT yeah no money you feel me. BUT this pallet works just fine. 🙂


Then I do my mascara, I have a special trick for that one. I first heat my lash curler with my hairdryer and then I curl my lashes, this way they’ll stay up and you get a fuller effect. I use two mascara, they work perfect together and I would NEVER EVER trade them in.


Then I do my highlight and lipstick. For my highlight I use a powder one for on my face and a gel thingie one for in the corner of my eyebrow. For my lipstick, I used three lipsticks hahaha. Two from Mac (Diva and Viva Glam III) and one from the Hema (A dutch store). I wanted to create a more dark red lipstick so yeah that’s why I used three different ones.

Then in the end I use my fixing spray again! So yeah this was my make-up routine.

After I did my make-up we could go to the cinema but first I made a couple of selfies (ofc always when I do my make-up).

And also some selfies in the car and outside the car…


Hahaha sorry for my selfie addiction. Btw I was wearing my new top with the lips, with a black bomber froIMG_1895m the market and my jeans are from the H&M. The top fits perfectly and the lips are really tight on the shirt so now you all know that if you want to give patches a try JUST DO IT. The jeans are really chill, highwaisted, just how I like it hahaha. And the black bomber isn’t from a store, but I think you can buy similar ones at the Zara or Bershka.






The movie we went to was Now You See Me 2 and I LOVE IT SO MUCH. I’m really into magic stuff and I don’t know but this just feels like magic to me, that can be explained so that makes it like 1000000 times cooler. Y’all should really watch it, I just love this kind of movies where everything comes together in the end!!!!!! AMAZING. And DAVE FRANCO IS SO HOT what even just what

WAAAAAAAAAAh. Anyway, I had a chill day, didn’t do much and it went well. TODAY IS THE SECOND LAST DAY SOOOOOoOOOoOOO I’m actually really happy. Thank you all for the support and seeeeee yaaa laters.



Day 6 – Redecorate It!

I went to many shops for one purpose: to give my room a new look. With the help from my beloved boyfriend, brother & mother, I succeeded in having a beautiful cute room. I’ll show you!

I didn’t know what I wanted at first so we just walked around and we started at the Zeeman, I bought there two cute little vases with rope around it, I didn’t know what I wanted to put in there buuuut they were only €0.75. After that we went to the H&M where I bought these cute little pair of shoes.

After that we went to de Tuinen to get some maple syrup, but my mom couldn’t find it so meanwhile Robin, Ian and I were just smelling all these bath things and it looked so cute so I decided to take a pictures.

The green ones smelled the best tho………. Anyway when my mom asked the lady from the shop if they had any, the lady said they were out of maple syrup. STRESS because we needed the maple syrup otherwise we couldn’t make lemon juice!!!! My mom told me that last week when she went, the lady told her they had enough storage, and now they’re suddenly out, so my mom said she suspected it was because of my blog… Hahahaha it made me laugh but it is also a huge compliment. BUT back to the decorating my room story.

We went to this store called the Xenos, because they have a lot of things there to decorate your house. So we went there and bought two grey pillows, a trash can, a clock and photo frames. You will see how everything looks when I post the pictures of my room, but yeah first things first. After the Xenos, we wanted to look for more pillows so we went to the Kwantum, we bought several things there. 2 really soft white pillows, one grey one, fake flowers (those are the ones in the vases from the Zeeman!!), more photo frames, an out shopping sign, a laundry basket and a sign with OWL YOU NEED IS LOVE (with of course an owl on it). So this is how my room turned out.

I got that boy on my bed on a site named, boyfriendwanted.com.

HAhahAHah no just kidding.

After decorating my room I was just very tired so we did nothing the whole evening. BUT I WAS VERY HAPPY because my room was so pretty and this day just was so nice. It was over so fast. I actually needed to drink all my lemon juice in the evening because I wasn’t hungry at all. AND I already lost 6 kilos so that was a cool turnout too. Anyway, I can bother your with nonsense but I think this was it for today. Thank you for reading my blog everyday, and I’d love to answer your questions if you got them. Just send me a tweet or a direct message at instagram. 🙂






Day 5 – Cinderella

Today I didn’t do much but being cinderella…… I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned…… But it was necessary. My room was a total mess. And now it looks so cute, but anyway LET’S GET STARTED.

My day was pretty exhausting, I mean my room was SUCH A MESS. I’m someone to just throw my stuff everywhere around the room and clean it like 5 years later but this time I couldn’t stand the mess myself, miracles do happen. Anyway so I thought let’s give you some cleaning tips!!!

  1. Always clean the upside of your closets, under your bed and the window frame. There is so much dust up there, you don’t even know that until you clean it. And you will actually sleep better afterwards because NO! DUST!
  2. If you clean your room, don’t put all your stuff under your bed. DON’T PLEASE You will actually ruin all your clothes and stuff because there is (AGAIN) so much dust under it, and if you will leave them there too long they will get all ugly and dusty and ew. (Own experience I should know)
  3. So instead of throwing everything under your bed, just clean your closet!! And believe me, cleaning your closet isn’t as bas as it sounds. You can pick out the clothes, you still want, or the clothes you want to throw away, and sometimes you’re even like OMG I FORGOT I HAD THIS SHIRT hahaha.
  4. Put some music on, it will make it so much more fun. With music on, you can just sING ALONG VERY LOUDLY AND idk it’s just fun to clean and sing at the same time.
  5. Look under all your closets, you’ll never know what you find. Sometimes I lost my stuff and then I found them underneath a closet so YEAH give it a shot.

OKAY so this were my cleaning tips, I’m not a pro or something but in my experience this things help best. I wanted to show you guys my bed because it looked so cute last night. Tomorrow I’ll show you my whole room, but today I’m gonna buy more stuff to place in my room so I want to show you guys when its finished! BUT MY BED’S SO CUTE


On the blog of the third day, I promised you guys to show you how to place patches on your shirt, so that’s what I’m going to do.

  1. Sort out with patches you want to use. I chose the lips and the crown!


2. Buy some shirts, or pick old ones from your closet. I bought new ones because I loved these shirts and I thought patches would look real cute on them


3. Decide how you want to place the patches. I decided just to place them where you can see them well, idk I think it’s cute this way, but you want place it wherever you want.


4. You can stitch them on your clothes or just brush them on with a flat-iron. I chose to stitch them on, because my mom was busy with the flat-iron, but I think brushing them on is easier.


5. Stitch them very tight, so they won’t get loose. Just like this.


6. Tadaaa you have your self made patch t-shirt! It’s cheaper than they sell those shirts in the store, and it’s super easy!!!


After I cleaned my room, and stitched patches on to my shirts, I decided to watch a movie. I chose “Me Before You” and to be honest it’s one of the best movies ever. I cried my eyes out and I think because of movies like this you actually realize how lucky you are to be healthy and that you have to make the most of your life as long as you can, because something can happen and it can change your life forever. And again I cried so hard. But Emilia Clarke and Sam Claflin acted so GOOD AND omg. The only thing I didn’t get from that movie was this: How can you say no to EMILIA CLARKE like look at her she’s a miracle she’s from another eartH!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, y’all should watch it, because it’s one of my favorite movies atm. OH AND FUNNY FACT Charles Dance (Tywin Lannister) and Emilia (Danaerys) both play in this movie so all the Game Of Thrones addicts, like me, GO WATCH IT.

SO MY day went really well, I wasn’t hungry at all. OH AND I FORGOT SOMETHING >>>>>>>
We made delicious Ice Creams of….. LEMON JUICE. Yes guys it’s true, you can make Ice Creams of Lemon Juice, but as long as it’s only lemon juice and nothing else. Anyway, it was a good day, I cleaned my room so I feel really good now. I hope you enjoyed my tips today and have nice day yourself!! Bye folks!!





Day 4 – Spa Day With The Lights Out

This day was really relaxing…. We got a massage, watched Orange Is The New Black, (I’m up to date, yes I cried), I got to work and THEN I WENT TO A REALLY SCARY MOVIE OHHHHHHH MYYYYYyyYYY GOOOOOOD. I’m gonna tell you all about it bUT IF YOU CANT HANDLE SCARY MOVIES skip the movie part lol.

Today I had to set the alarm because I go to a massage at 11 am. So Robin and I went there and it was at the woman her house. Her house had a really cute environment tho, it was in the woods and idk just cute. So me and Robin got a back massage and it was really relaxing and good. Idk it really stimulated my back, and my shoulders always hurt a little so it was so NICE TO just relax and YES. When Robin got a massage, I was writing my blog and after that we headed home. It’s important to have massage during your Lemon Detox, because it stimulates your body and it will help it detox. When we got home, we finally watched the last episode of Orange Is The New Black AND OH MY GOD WTF YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO US I was so sad omg.


After being sad no kidding I’M FOREVER SAD, I had to go to work. I worked till 9 PM and they had flowers they were going to throw away but we could take them if we wanted to, which was very nice so I took some pink roses and sunflowers.

SO CUTE RIGHT. After work, I was soo hungry so we decided to go the cinema. It’s like the most important to do things while doing the Lemon Detox, this way you’ll be distracted from not eating. We decided to go to the movie “Lights Out”, it’s a new horror movie about a woman who is haunted by a friend from her past, there by her family being attacked by the friend ghost thingie, BUT THE FRIEND GHOST CAN TOUCH THEM AND ACTUALLY HURT THEM SO I WAS SO SCARED AND there was this global tension throughout the whole movie and I WAS SCREAMING SO HARD really awkward actually because it felt like I was the only one but I had Robin next to me so I was safe!!!! I guess. Anyways, if you like horror movies, you should definitely go to this one it was so cool.




SCARY GIF BE GONE…….>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

After the movie me and my sis were in the parking lot and the lights were so cute so we just had to make a photo so yeah kinda wanted to show it, BYE. It’s always so funny because Robin always have to take this pictures and I’m really hard about this so I want like 100000000 photos and he’s already done after the first one hahahaha it’s just idk funny ok.


Because many people are interested in drinking the lemon juice, I wanted to tell you guys the recipe for one glass, so you can all try it. It’s for an 0,2 liter glass.

You need:

  • 2 spoons of fresh lemon juice (half a lemon)
  • 2 spoons of maple syrup C+ from Madal Bal
  • 1/10 teaspoon of cayenne pepper
  • Springwater

And just mix that stuff together.

IT’S SO NICE so you guys definitely have to try this.

This was my blog of the 4th day, I had so much fun today, and again through the whole day I was fine, I wasn’t really hungry (except after work) and I was feeling really happy!! I’m so glad I can do this and share this with you guys, because of this detox, you actually learn to appreciate food and that it isn’t normal for everyone to eat much. I hope I inspire you guys with my blog to understand that it is important to appreciate what you have and maybe in the future think about doing this Lemon Detox too.

Thank you for reading today. 🙂



Day 3 – Pink Monday

This day was meant to be a day where we would do literally nothing but…… at the last minute things changed, we hurried up from the couch, put our favorite clothes on and rushed to Tilburg… Where it all happened..

Nah just kidding. OLA Y’ALL. My day wasn’t that exciting, but I had much fun. At first, a mechanic had to come, but he could come from 12 pm to 6 pm, so actually our day would be waiting on the couch for the mechanic to come. knowing when you call for a mechanic, they show up at the very last moment. BUT HE WAS DIFFERENT THIS TIME, he showed up at 1 pm and he was gone after an hour so me and Robin decided last minute to go to the city. What we didn’t know, there was a fair going on: Tilburgse Kermis!!!!!!!! But yeh we went there for the stores so we didn’t see much of it, but it was Pink Monday: everyone shows up in something pink to show the gay people that we accept them. CUTE STUFF. However I wasn’t wearing pink because I didn’t know so there we were I was wearing grey and Robin was wearing blue and we walked there amongst all those pink wearing people. Awkward. But the dress I was wearing was really nice and I like my back so much so I took a picture.

We went to the Zara first, because right now they have the cutest things there. Some kind of Barcelona Collection. There was some jacket I wanted in particular, but I will show it to you later. I also bought a blue white striped dress with buttons upfront, it’s so cute and it’s really thin material so it’s nice to wear when you’re on vacation somewhere really warm. After the Zara, we went to the Sting, normally we can both buy things there but we both ended up with nothing this time. Then the Bershka, let me tell you something. The men department in the Bershka here is SO HOT YOU LITERALLY SWEAT TO DEATH, so I didn’t want to go with Robin, so he went upstairs and he was back in like 0,001 sec because DAMN. Anyways, the women department has an airco so I was fine. 🙂 I bought two cute tops there for €3.99, and one denim top for €7.99. The two tops I’m gonna put patches on, I just bought the patches, so they’ll be coming in tomorrow. I will put a photo of the tops on my blog, with a DIY, so you guys can buy your patches yourself and tops and just make really cute shirts yourself! After that, we went to the Hema because we wanted to see if there were any DIY ice makers, but we couldn’t find them…. We actually had a great idea, but we’ll only share it with y’all if we find it!!!!! Then we went to the H&M and I bought a really cute distressed denim skirt. After that we had enough and me = happy.

In the evening, we went for a walk and I was wearing my new jacket and of course (I had to pose). So I did, and this is the jacket!!!!! It’s a denim distressed jacket, you can buy it for €49.95 at the Zara. I think you can best match it with a black jeans and a cute white top. Or with white jeans a black top WHATEVER. I think it wouldn’t fit if you’d wear a distressed jeans beneath it, because that would be too much.

While we were walking, we were catching pokémon of course  but when we got at the center of our village, I was impressed. IT LOOKED SO CUTE IN THE DARK. I don’t know our center was always a bit… how do you say it, not finished??? ugly?? just not it??? but they changed it and oMG IT’S SO CUTE.

That was my day. The Lemon Detox went very well today, I was very glad because the first two days had been tough, but today was a good day. So many people are asking what I’m actually drinking so I wanted to inform you guys how my routine is, and what the lemon drink exist of and that you guys can use it too!

So my first step in the morning is to drink a glass with green powder and water. This is so you can keep going to the toilet without any trouble (and going to the toilet is the BIG thing). After that I drink my lemon drink the whole day, water with mint and lime and tea. I have to drink two liter of lemon juice. (This is the green powder I use)


The lemon juice exists of:

  • Water
  • Fresh juice of a lemon
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Maple syrup C+

If you want to know how exactly to make it, look here HERE HERE HERE here here or HERE

You can also just drink the juice just as a drink. It detoxes your body, so it is very good to drink just as a snack. I like it sooooo much, it tastes like Fanta but less sweet and without bubbles. I think it would be good to drink this in stead of like juices from the store or soda or other beverages.

This was my third blogpost, thank you for reading my blog everyday. It means a lot. ❤







Day 2 – To The Moon & Back

Today I sort of slept while going to the moon and back again.. I mean I love the moon, I go there every now and then…. But that’s not the only place we went to today! We only went to the village where I live (lol actually that was the only place we went but whatevs I have to make it exciting????!?!?!??!). I  will tell you all about it. >>>>>> 

WELCOME BACK ON THE SECOND DAY OF MY LEMON (YAY) DETOX (NAY). Yesterday was a though but fun day for me. We woke up yesterday and SUPRISE period time. That sucked, because being on your period gives you cramps and doing the lemon detox gives you cramps too, so yeah when I’m not having bellyache from the lemon detox………….. Anyways, I decided it wasn’t going to ruin my day! So we showered and stuff you do everyday except eating breakfast…. Breakfast is like the thing I miss the most. I love breakfast with nice sandwiches and croissants and yoghurt and fruit and orange juice and tea and omg. My heart.


Just like this….. I will stop with photos now otherwise I will get super hungry. After doing our morning routine, I wrote my blog and after that we went to a street in our village where you can catch a lot of pokémon, because a friend of my brother wanted to see where we watched all the cool pokémon. So we went there and we catched a magmar!!!!! YEAH but I had a magma already. Anyway it was so funny to see my brother and his friend super happy to catch a magmar.

When we got back,  we went to the market in our village. It was super cute and there were so many nice stalls, but there was also so mUCH FOOD. Like CHURROS AND PANCAKES AND STROOPWAFELS (IT’S A DUTCH THING). I was telling Robin, let’s go buy everything and eat it after the Lemon Detox. Hahaha we wish. Anyway it looked so cute and we bought several things, but the cutest thing were the pillowcases we bought.


When we got home, I wasn’t feeling too well, I had a real headache and my belly was hurting real much. That was because of the detox, all the poison is coming out of your body and then you can get headaches. Anyways, the only you can do when you got a headache during the Master Cleanse, is just go to sleep. You need a lot of it and you can’t take any pills, so I went to sleep real early. Several people asked me if it’s really hard to do the lemon detox and if it’s really hard in the beginning and if it gets easier as time passes. Well, I don’t have a specific answer, I think that it is different every time you do it and which person is doing it. Last year I thought the beginning days were the easiest and day 5, 6 & 7 were the hardest. But now I have a hard time during day 1 and 2. So maybe this year it’ll get easier after day 4? I don’t know but I’ll definitely keep you posted on this. But I’m not gonna lie, it is hard, but because the result afterwards is so rewarding, you just want to do it.

I hope y’all enjoyed my blog today, AND YOU SHOULD READ IT TOMORROW, because tomorrow I’ll give y’all some lit tips to make the lemon detox more fun and some beauty tips! See ya tomorrow!!! xoxo Joann & Robin

