Day 4 – Hey Macklemore! Can We Go Thrift Shopping?

What, what, what, what, what… Today I met the one and only Macklemore!!!!! Oh, no wait I didn’t, I just wish I had. My day wasn’t half as exciting as meeting him would be, however I did do something cool.. I went to a thrift shop and bought some really nice clothes with only 20 euros in my pocket! (Actually it was my moms pocket, but sshhttt that doesn’t matter!) So maybe that’s why I thought I met Macklemore… Well, whatever let’s begin!

Today I woke up at 12 am (again, wohoooooo exciting) and I went downstairs. I was actually really tired, but I didn’t know why because I hadn’t been doing anything special. So I had my breakfast, we all know what it existed of, and discussed with my mom and sister what we would be doing today. OH I DIDN’T MENTION THIS BUT, my sister joined us today!

image1(2)Her name is Lizzy (yes you can click on her name, give it a try :D) and she is 14 years old. This means that she is too young to join the Master Cleanse. The Master Cleanse is meant for adults, not that I’m an adult, but it is okay to participate if you’re 16 years and older. However doing this one can’t hurt, it’s actually really good to fast for a day. So if you want to try to fast, but you think you can’t endure to fast for 10 days, you can try to just not eat anything one day a week. Anyway, we decided to go to this thrift shop. We came there and it was really dusty, so Lizzy sneezed the whole time. At first, I didn’t know where to start. There was just too much and at first sight it all looked a bit old and boring. Bu that didn’t stop me, because I’m a real shopaholic, and I can always find something!!!!! So after searching for like an hour and a half. We had actually found a lot of things. So we started fitting stuff and I eventually bought seven things, which I’m really proud of because they’re sooooo pretty. My favorite one was this dress. You really saw a difference at my belly and legs and butt and EVERYTHING. So I was really proud, I mean it’s only day 4!!!!!! So I decided to show this one to you all:


It’s just a plain white dress with black stripes, but it fits really good and the quality is really nice. And my belly is flat so YAY HAPPY ME. After we bought our clothes, we went home and made pictures of everything I bought. Yeah that’s basically something I do every time I buy something new…..

When I finished taking pictures and sending them to the people who, in my opinion, had to see them, I started answering some questions about the detox. Many people are asking the same two things: Can you eat during the detox? and How do you make this lemon juice exactly? So I thought, I will answer them tonight in my blog so everyone knows the answer. As I mentioned before, you CAN NOT eat during the detox. It’s the most important thing of the Master Cleanse. How to make the lemon juice is the question I didn’t answer. I did say what you need to make it, but I haven’t told you guys what the secret is of making it. So I will tell you now! My mom and I made lemon juice and made pictures, so I’m gonna tell you in steps how to do it yourself! A DIY, YEAAAAAH. Watch out! This DIY is for two bottles of lemon juice, no more, no less. And yes, you can do it at home. It’s not dangerous… I think…

  • Step 1: Take 5 lemons and cut them in half. If you don’t know how this works, or supposed to look like. Look below.

  • Step 2: Squeeze out the juice of the lemons. I wanted to do this myself because I FELT SO COOL DOING IT. So here I am, squeezing out lemons.


  • Step 3: Add the maple syrup from Madal Bal. These are 20 tablespoons, so like 20 times the action on the photo. Also I placed a photo of the maple syrup so you all know which one I mean.


  • Step 4: Add a pinch of cayenne pepper.

  • Step 5: Stir the blend you made, you have to keep stirring until it looks like this.

  • Step 6: Take two bottles of this size, and split up the blend in a way it’s equal to each other.

  • Step 7: Add springwater.

  • Step 8: SHAKE IT OFF, SHAKE IT OFF OFFFFFFFF and im just gonna shakeeeeeee shakeeeee shakeeeeee until it looks like this.

If you’re juice isn’t green, purple, or taste like catpoop, then you did it the right way! Congratz, you’re officially a lemon juice maker! Here’s your certificate. Show it to your mom, hang it on your fridge or above your bed, I DON’T CARE, but be proud of it!

Schermafbeelding 2015-07-23 om 20.37.38So how today was to me: it was fun, but I was really tired all day.. I still am. Also I had this really tedious feeling in my stomache all day, which wasn’t very pleasant either. But they said day 4 would be one of the hardest, and I wasn’t hungry at all today, so that was a lucky break. My sister went through the day perfectly, but she says, she can’t understand how I can keep this up for 4 days already.. I think it will get harder everyday, especially when you’re around people who can eat. Tomorrow I’m going to visit my grandmom and -dad. So I’m really curious how that’s gonna be with the whole family surrounding me, my mom and my dad while we can’t eat and they can. You will hear aaaaallll about it in tomorrows post. Thank you for being here with me! Ciao!

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