Day 2 – To The Moon & Back

Today I sort of slept while going to the moon and back again.. I mean I love the moon, I go there every now and then…. But that’s not the only place we went to today! We only went to the village where I live (lol actually that was the only place we went but whatevs I have to make it exciting????!?!?!??!). I  will tell you all about it. >>>>>> 

WELCOME BACK ON THE SECOND DAY OF MY LEMON (YAY) DETOX (NAY). Yesterday was a though but fun day for me. We woke up yesterday and SUPRISE period time. That sucked, because being on your period gives you cramps and doing the lemon detox gives you cramps too, so yeah when I’m not having bellyache from the lemon detox………….. Anyways, I decided it wasn’t going to ruin my day! So we showered and stuff you do everyday except eating breakfast…. Breakfast is like the thing I miss the most. I love breakfast with nice sandwiches and croissants and yoghurt and fruit and orange juice and tea and omg. My heart.


Just like this….. I will stop with photos now otherwise I will get super hungry. After doing our morning routine, I wrote my blog and after that we went to a street in our village where you can catch a lot of pokémon, because a friend of my brother wanted to see where we watched all the cool pokémon. So we went there and we catched a magmar!!!!! YEAH but I had a magma already. Anyway it was so funny to see my brother and his friend super happy to catch a magmar.

When we got back,  we went to the market in our village. It was super cute and there were so many nice stalls, but there was also so mUCH FOOD. Like CHURROS AND PANCAKES AND STROOPWAFELS (IT’S A DUTCH THING). I was telling Robin, let’s go buy everything and eat it after the Lemon Detox. Hahaha we wish. Anyway it looked so cute and we bought several things, but the cutest thing were the pillowcases we bought.


When we got home, I wasn’t feeling too well, I had a real headache and my belly was hurting real much. That was because of the detox, all the poison is coming out of your body and then you can get headaches. Anyways, the only you can do when you got a headache during the Master Cleanse, is just go to sleep. You need a lot of it and you can’t take any pills, so I went to sleep real early. Several people asked me if it’s really hard to do the lemon detox and if it’s really hard in the beginning and if it gets easier as time passes. Well, I don’t have a specific answer, I think that it is different every time you do it and which person is doing it. Last year I thought the beginning days were the easiest and day 5, 6 & 7 were the hardest. But now I have a hard time during day 1 and 2. So maybe this year it’ll get easier after day 4? I don’t know but I’ll definitely keep you posted on this. But I’m not gonna lie, it is hard, but because the result afterwards is so rewarding, you just want to do it.

I hope y’all enjoyed my blog today, AND YOU SHOULD READ IT TOMORROW, because tomorrow I’ll give y’all some lit tips to make the lemon detox more fun and some beauty tips! See ya tomorrow!!! xoxo Joann & Robin




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