Day 4 – Spa Day With The Lights Out

This day was really relaxing…. We got a massage, watched Orange Is The New Black, (I’m up to date, yes I cried), I got to work and THEN I WENT TO A REALLY SCARY MOVIE OHHHHHHH MYYYYYyyYYY GOOOOOOD. I’m gonna tell you all about it bUT IF YOU CANT HANDLE SCARY MOVIES skip the movie part lol.

Today I had to set the alarm because I go to a massage at 11 am. So Robin and I went there and it was at the woman her house. Her house had a really cute environment tho, it was in the woods and idk just cute. So me and Robin got a back massage and it was really relaxing and good. Idk it really stimulated my back, and my shoulders always hurt a little so it was so NICE TO just relax and YES. When Robin got a massage, I was writing my blog and after that we headed home. It’s important to have massage during your Lemon Detox, because it stimulates your body and it will help it detox. When we got home, we finally watched the last episode of Orange Is The New Black AND OH MY GOD WTF YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO US I was so sad omg.


After being sad no kidding I’M FOREVER SAD, I had to go to work. I worked till 9 PM and they had flowers they were going to throw away but we could take them if we wanted to, which was very nice so I took some pink roses and sunflowers.

SO CUTE RIGHT. After work, I was soo hungry so we decided to go the cinema. It’s like the most important to do things while doing the Lemon Detox, this way you’ll be distracted from not eating. We decided to go to the movie “Lights Out”, it’s a new horror movie about a woman who is haunted by a friend from her past, there by her family being attacked by the friend ghost thingie, BUT THE FRIEND GHOST CAN TOUCH THEM AND ACTUALLY HURT THEM SO I WAS SO SCARED AND there was this global tension throughout the whole movie and I WAS SCREAMING SO HARD really awkward actually because it felt like I was the only one but I had Robin next to me so I was safe!!!! I guess. Anyways, if you like horror movies, you should definitely go to this one it was so cool.




SCARY GIF BE GONE…….>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

After the movie me and my sis were in the parking lot and the lights were so cute so we just had to make a photo so yeah kinda wanted to show it, BYE. It’s always so funny because Robin always have to take this pictures and I’m really hard about this so I want like 100000000 photos and he’s already done after the first one hahahaha it’s just idk funny ok.


Because many people are interested in drinking the lemon juice, I wanted to tell you guys the recipe for one glass, so you can all try it. It’s for an 0,2 liter glass.

You need:

  • 2 spoons of fresh lemon juice (half a lemon)
  • 2 spoons of maple syrup C+ from Madal Bal
  • 1/10 teaspoon of cayenne pepper
  • Springwater

And just mix that stuff together.

IT’S SO NICE so you guys definitely have to try this.

This was my blog of the 4th day, I had so much fun today, and again through the whole day I was fine, I wasn’t really hungry (except after work) and I was feeling really happy!! I’m so glad I can do this and share this with you guys, because of this detox, you actually learn to appreciate food and that it isn’t normal for everyone to eat much. I hope I inspire you guys with my blog to understand that it is important to appreciate what you have and maybe in the future think about doing this Lemon Detox too.

Thank you for reading today. 🙂



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