Day 5 – Cinderella

Today I didn’t do much but being cinderella…… I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned…… But it was necessary. My room was a total mess. And now it looks so cute, but anyway LET’S GET STARTED.

My day was pretty exhausting, I mean my room was SUCH A MESS. I’m someone to just throw my stuff everywhere around the room and clean it like 5 years later but this time I couldn’t stand the mess myself, miracles do happen. Anyway so I thought let’s give you some cleaning tips!!!

  1. Always clean the upside of your closets, under your bed and the window frame. There is so much dust up there, you don’t even know that until you clean it. And you will actually sleep better afterwards because NO! DUST!
  2. If you clean your room, don’t put all your stuff under your bed. DON’T PLEASE You will actually ruin all your clothes and stuff because there is (AGAIN) so much dust under it, and if you will leave them there too long they will get all ugly and dusty and ew. (Own experience I should know)
  3. So instead of throwing everything under your bed, just clean your closet!! And believe me, cleaning your closet isn’t as bas as it sounds. You can pick out the clothes, you still want, or the clothes you want to throw away, and sometimes you’re even like OMG I FORGOT I HAD THIS SHIRT hahaha.
  4. Put some music on, it will make it so much more fun. With music on, you can just sING ALONG VERY LOUDLY AND idk it’s just fun to clean and sing at the same time.
  5. Look under all your closets, you’ll never know what you find. Sometimes I lost my stuff and then I found them underneath a closet so YEAH give it a shot.

OKAY so this were my cleaning tips, I’m not a pro or something but in my experience this things help best. I wanted to show you guys my bed because it looked so cute last night. Tomorrow I’ll show you my whole room, but today I’m gonna buy more stuff to place in my room so I want to show you guys when its finished! BUT MY BED’S SO CUTE


On the blog of the third day, I promised you guys to show you how to place patches on your shirt, so that’s what I’m going to do.

  1. Sort out with patches you want to use. I chose the lips and the crown!


2. Buy some shirts, or pick old ones from your closet. I bought new ones because I loved these shirts and I thought patches would look real cute on them


3. Decide how you want to place the patches. I decided just to place them where you can see them well, idk I think it’s cute this way, but you want place it wherever you want.


4. You can stitch them on your clothes or just brush them on with a flat-iron. I chose to stitch them on, because my mom was busy with the flat-iron, but I think brushing them on is easier.


5. Stitch them very tight, so they won’t get loose. Just like this.


6. Tadaaa you have your self made patch t-shirt! It’s cheaper than they sell those shirts in the store, and it’s super easy!!!


After I cleaned my room, and stitched patches on to my shirts, I decided to watch a movie. I chose “Me Before You” and to be honest it’s one of the best movies ever. I cried my eyes out and I think because of movies like this you actually realize how lucky you are to be healthy and that you have to make the most of your life as long as you can, because something can happen and it can change your life forever. And again I cried so hard. But Emilia Clarke and Sam Claflin acted so GOOD AND omg. The only thing I didn’t get from that movie was this: How can you say no to EMILIA CLARKE like look at her she’s a miracle she’s from another eartH!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, y’all should watch it, because it’s one of my favorite movies atm. OH AND FUNNY FACT Charles Dance (Tywin Lannister) and Emilia (Danaerys) both play in this movie so all the Game Of Thrones addicts, like me, GO WATCH IT.

SO MY day went really well, I wasn’t hungry at all. OH AND I FORGOT SOMETHING >>>>>>>
We made delicious Ice Creams of….. LEMON JUICE. Yes guys it’s true, you can make Ice Creams of Lemon Juice, but as long as it’s only lemon juice and nothing else. Anyway, it was a good day, I cleaned my room so I feel really good now. I hope you enjoyed my tips today and have nice day yourself!! Bye folks!!





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