Day 6 – Redecorate It!

I went to many shops for one purpose: to give my room a new look. With the help from my beloved boyfriend, brother & mother, I succeeded in having a beautiful cute room. I’ll show you!

I didn’t know what I wanted at first so we just walked around and we started at the Zeeman, I bought there two cute little vases with rope around it, I didn’t know what I wanted to put in there buuuut they were only €0.75. After that we went to the H&M where I bought these cute little pair of shoes.

After that we went to de Tuinen to get some maple syrup, but my mom couldn’t find it so meanwhile Robin, Ian and I were just smelling all these bath things and it looked so cute so I decided to take a pictures.

The green ones smelled the best tho………. Anyway when my mom asked the lady from the shop if they had any, the lady said they were out of maple syrup. STRESS because we needed the maple syrup otherwise we couldn’t make lemon juice!!!! My mom told me that last week when she went, the lady told her they had enough storage, and now they’re suddenly out, so my mom said she suspected it was because of my blog… Hahahaha it made me laugh but it is also a huge compliment. BUT back to the decorating my room story.

We went to this store called the Xenos, because they have a lot of things there to decorate your house. So we went there and bought two grey pillows, a trash can, a clock and photo frames. You will see how everything looks when I post the pictures of my room, but yeah first things first. After the Xenos, we wanted to look for more pillows so we went to the Kwantum, we bought several things there. 2 really soft white pillows, one grey one, fake flowers (those are the ones in the vases from the Zeeman!!), more photo frames, an out shopping sign, a laundry basket and a sign with OWL YOU NEED IS LOVE (with of course an owl on it). So this is how my room turned out.

I got that boy on my bed on a site named,

HAhahAHah no just kidding.

After decorating my room I was just very tired so we did nothing the whole evening. BUT I WAS VERY HAPPY because my room was so pretty and this day just was so nice. It was over so fast. I actually needed to drink all my lemon juice in the evening because I wasn’t hungry at all. AND I already lost 6 kilos so that was a cool turnout too. Anyway, I can bother your with nonsense but I think this was it for today. Thank you for reading my blog everyday, and I’d love to answer your questions if you got them. Just send me a tweet or a direct message at instagram. 🙂






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