Day 7 – Now You See Me

Today I played The Sims all day, so at first I didn’t got anything to tell you guys about. But in the evening we decided to go to the cinema, and I was like YEAH I’m gonna do my make-up and just show you guys whats UP so here we go.

SO YEAH as I said, I kinda played the Sims all day because we were all very lazy. I low-key love the Sims because I just love making them really pretty and stuff HAhahahHA. Anyways, it wasn’t very hard today to not eat. It’s already Day 7 AND IT’S ALMOST OVER!!!!!!! SO I’m really happy and still excited because I did it well this week. It actually went really fast and yeh today was again a good day. I hope with my positive comments about the Lemon Detox, I’ll inspire you all to try it too.

Anyway, around 8 pm I started with my make-up. First I put on my fixing spray, so my make-up stays on fleek, I use the one from Mac, and I think it works pretty great:


I always start with my eyeshadow, otherwise your foundation gets ruined by glitter and stuff. I use these pallets from Revolution, they’re really pigmented and I think they’re not expensive at all. I love them SOOooOOo much, today I used the Flawless Pallet, Iconic Pro 2 and the Essential Shimmers:

I used brown colors tonight, so it looked kinda natural and not really too much. Foundation & concealer comes next, I always put on my foundation with a Beauty Blender, because it just looks really natural. I put on my concealer with a Beauty Blender too. I use Fit Me foundation from Maybeline, IT’S THE BEST FOUNDATION I’VE EVER USED and again not really expensive. My concealer is Liquid Camouflage from Catrice.

After my foundation, I start with my eyeliner. I use gel eyeliner, because it’s the easiest one to work with and create a nice wing. I’m not that good at eyeliner, but the more you try, the easier it gets. I use the one from L’Oreal, it’s the first gel liner I used, so I wouldn’t know if it’s better than any other, but it works pretty great for me. 🙂


AFTER MY EYELINER, MY BROOOOOWSSS. My brows are the things I enjoy most, so yeaaaah. I use Anastasia Bevery Hills Dip brow in soft brown, I’m so happy I bought this because it works perfectly and I think y’all should buy it!!!!! Again this is also a case of the more you try, the better you get at it.

After my brows, I do my contour. I use the revolution pallet, I secretly still want the Anastasia BH pallet, BUT yeah no money you feel me. BUT this pallet works just fine. 🙂


Then I do my mascara, I have a special trick for that one. I first heat my lash curler with my hairdryer and then I curl my lashes, this way they’ll stay up and you get a fuller effect. I use two mascara, they work perfect together and I would NEVER EVER trade them in.


Then I do my highlight and lipstick. For my highlight I use a powder one for on my face and a gel thingie one for in the corner of my eyebrow. For my lipstick, I used three lipsticks hahaha. Two from Mac (Diva and Viva Glam III) and one from the Hema (A dutch store). I wanted to create a more dark red lipstick so yeah that’s why I used three different ones.

Then in the end I use my fixing spray again! So yeah this was my make-up routine.

After I did my make-up we could go to the cinema but first I made a couple of selfies (ofc always when I do my make-up).

And also some selfies in the car and outside the car…


Hahaha sorry for my selfie addiction. Btw I was wearing my new top with the lips, with a black bomber froIMG_1895m the market and my jeans are from the H&M. The top fits perfectly and the lips are really tight on the shirt so now you all know that if you want to give patches a try JUST DO IT. The jeans are really chill, highwaisted, just how I like it hahaha. And the black bomber isn’t from a store, but I think you can buy similar ones at the Zara or Bershka.






The movie we went to was Now You See Me 2 and I LOVE IT SO MUCH. I’m really into magic stuff and I don’t know but this just feels like magic to me, that can be explained so that makes it like 1000000 times cooler. Y’all should really watch it, I just love this kind of movies where everything comes together in the end!!!!!! AMAZING. And DAVE FRANCO IS SO HOT what even just what

WAAAAAAAAAAh. Anyway, I had a chill day, didn’t do much and it went well. TODAY IS THE SECOND LAST DAY SOOOOOoOOOoOOO I’m actually really happy. Thank you all for the support and seeeeee yaaa laters.



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