Day 8 – Gotta Catch ‘m All!

Rattata, Weedle, Pidgey, Bulbasaur, Pikachu, Squirtle, Charmander, you know them all for sure. We went to the Efteling and we caught pokémon. It was a really fun evening and we even caught a…..

Hi guys! The end is almost near, are y’all sad????? I’m not lol. FOOOOOOOD.


JUUUUUMMMM I’m so excited. Anyway: my day. Today I tried all day to download the Sims 3, but since I’m a big fool with such things I didn’t succeed. SO if anyoNE knows how to download the Sims 3 on a Mac, please, enlighten me. So I decided to do my make-up with an Q&A and I love the animo there was for it!!!!!!! So many questions and so many happy people, I love you all!! When I finished my make-up we went to the efteling to catch pokémon. It was so cool and we even caught a Rhydon!!!!! Yay. It was summer night @ The Efteling, and it always looks so cute when it is. There are lights everywhere and there are so many people and it’s just amazing. If you want to see the Efteling at night, definitely go to a summer night. It’s every saturday when it’s (you’ll never guess) summer.


So this is basically how it looks. Super cute am I right? So yeah that was basically my night & day. This was the almost the last day and it’s actually really weird if you’ve been drinking lemon juice for 8 days now and then you suddenly just gonna eat?????? WELL IN 2 DAYS THAT’S THE CASE. Many people think this is really bad for you, not eating and stuff. But I want to tell you guys that it’s just a rumor. Everything you need is inside the Lemon Juice so you get everything you need, without eating. I know it sounds really weird like “I’m not eating to detox myself”, but it’s TRUE. Food nowadays poisons your body, that’s why you gotta be real careful with what you eat. After this detox, we’re gonna try something new. We’re gonna eat no carbohydrates, we did our research and we think this is the key to really lose weight. AND YOU GOTTA EAT VERY GOOD THINGS. I hate diets, but I think when you eat nice things and just eat enough it’s not bad to be on a diet. Anyway, after the Lemon Detox it’s the best move to go on a diet, or just be careful of what you eat, because your stomach is smaller so you don’t eat that much anymore. Last year for example, I ate one apple on the rebuild days and I was immediately full LOL. It’s such a weird feeling. I’m gonna keep you guys posted with everything I do, and I’ll tell more details about what I’m gonna do after the Rebuild Days, TOMORROW.







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