Week 1 – Keep Blogging

Hi hi guyssss! I’m back and better than ever becauseeeee: I can eat again. YES it’s true. I’m actually really happy because I just love food. Anyway I decided to KEEP blogging. But first let me start with day 9 & my rebuild days.

So Day 9 was the last day I couldn’t eat, I actually didn’t mind not eating for one because I felt really good. But it was over quick, the whole week went pretty fast. I did a lot of fun things that week so yeah it actually makes sense that I didn’t feel like it took that long. I ddin’t do something really interesting on Day 9 and that’s why I thought: lemme skip this because I hate writing bullshit people can do literally nothing with.

My Rebuild Days were kinda though, I wasn’t hungry at all but I had to eat and the only things I was craving were sweet things, but you have a schedule and you gotta hold on to that because other wise you’ll get a yoyo-effect, this means that after your Lemon Detox, your weight will gain as much as you lost in like 2 days. THAT’S NOT WHAT YOU WANT!! Another reason why you don’t want to eat again is that your body has to get used to eating food again, and if you start eating animalistic food, you’ll get really bad cramps and diarrhoea. And trust my dad, that’s not something you want either. I had the exact opposite, I couldn’t go to the toilet so I had massive cramps, like the whole time. Also I didn’t feel well, my head was hurting most of the time and yeah.. It wasn’t nice at all. During the Lemon Juice me and Robin went back to his home and we basically didn’t do anything during this days. I made some friends on this facebook page and they’re amazingly funny and yeah I LOVE THEM. Anyway at the last day you can eat soup and I was so happy to finally eat someting salty.

The Rebuild Days were over, Robin and I travelled to his home by train, but we wanted to keep eating healthy so we decided to change our lifestyle and eat low-carb. For me, this is the best way to lose weight or just stay on your weight. Low-carb basically means you can eat no bread, no pasta, no rice, no chips, no potatoes. I did this once before (last year after the Lemon Detox, not this extreme but no bread and no potatoes) and I lost 10 kilos after the Lemon Detox. I think eating low-carb is just really important, if you want to stay healthy but lose weight really quick.

SO YEAh basically this means we’re on a diet, but it’s not really a diet. You can see the recipes here: https://www.gobento.nl/koolhydraat-arm/. It’s kinda sad because the recipes are only in Dutch, but you can use google translate and read my blog because I will discuss the best recipes here! If you see a recipes and you really want to make it, but google translate doesn’t help you to figure it out, you can always send me a message and I will just translate it for you.

This is basically what I’m gonna do for the coming months, I’m gonna make really healthy but nice food and I will share my favorite recipes with you all! The reason I want to keep blogging is because I get so many positive reactions from you guys and people asked me to start a youtube channel or just keep blogging and I don’t know it inspired me how much I enjoyed you and I though YEAH why not, I’m gonna do this. I will talk about several things on my blog: just my crappy but funny life, healthy foooood, make-up stuff and just general life tips because I’m an awkward expert lol.

OKAY SO MY LIFE SINCE SUNDAY: I didn’t do much but I want to tell you about the really FUN days…. Friday me and Robin were dating for 11 months already, so we decided to go to Groningen and catch some pokémon, do some shopping before we go on vacation and eat some real lOVING SUSHI (I already broke my low-carb code SOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no but sushi is actually really healthy so I hope you guys can forgive me for my mistakes </3). I bought two really cooll necklases for 3 euro the day before and I wore a lil black dress so I wanted to share that with you guys.

We went to the primark to buy some cheap but nice things to wear on vacation, to the bershka (same reason), hunkemöller & to the douglas. I have a new addication called: underwear from the hunkemöller and then especially strings. THEY’RE AMAZING I WOULD POST A PICTURE BUT NO I WON’T BECAUSE IT’S WEIRD BUT I”M REALLY ENCOURAGING YOU ALL TO BUY THEM BECAUSE THEY’RE SO NICE AND YOU WILL NEVER HAVE TO HATE WEARING THEM AGAIN. Yeah basically. At the douglas I bought a dark red lipstick, because I was craving one and I was just mixing aaalllllll of my lipsticks to create a great color. But yeah then I was at the douglas and I saw this color and I thought “fuck this shit” HAHAHa. I bought Viva Glam I from Mac, and it looks this way:

So the bershka was the last store we went and after that we went to the Sushi restaurant. While I was sitting there I wanted to show my friends which lipstick I bought but I couldn’t find it, and then I realized I LEFT MY FUCKING MAC BAG AT THE BERSHKA. I literally freaked out like omg!!!!!!!!! SO I RAN TO THE BERSHKA (I literally ran in my little black dress it would’ve looked really funny) and I WAS SO HAPPY TO HEAR THEY STILL HAD IT. This was a terrible moment hahahaha I’m just so stupid sometimes. Anyway back at the restaurant we ordered and we had enough after the first round (lol) so we waited for like half an hour and then ordered again. It’s really funny because after the Lemon Detox, your stomache is smaller so you eat less food than before. But yeah I did my best and it was so nice.


After that we finally we went to the movie I was waiting for since like 2013: SUICIDE SQUAAAAAD. And it was amazing. My fave character is definitely Harley Quinn and Margot Robbie did such a great job portraying her. I love Margot Robbie……….. The only thing I didn’t like was the way they portrayed the Joker, he had silver teeth and in Batman I always thought he looked like a hot, creepy genius but in Suicide Squad he was just a creep. So that was a shame, ANYWAYS I won’t spoil anything but PLEASE GO THERE.

Today I did something fun too. I went to the sea and there were sand sculptures = sculptures made of sand. They looked amazing and I made photos of all of them:

Today I ALSO MADE MY FAVORITE DISH OF THE WEEK and it was really easy. It was a salmon tartare, you may not know what to expect but I’ll walk you through it, here’s the recipe for the Dutchies: https://www.gobento.nl/zalmtartaar-met-avocado/

For 2 people you need:

  • 200 kilogram of smoked Salmon
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 shallot
  • half a cucumber
  • some plain salad of your own choice


For the sauce you need:

  • 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise
  • 1 tablespoon of soya sauce

Step one: Cut everything into little pieces, the cucumber, the salmon and the shallot. I never cut avocado into little pieces, because it literally sticks everywhere and I hate that so I just throw in big pieces.

Step two: Mix everything together, this way the avocado wil become small too and a sort of binder.


Step three: Take the mayonnaise and the soya sauce and mix them together until it’s light brown.


Step four: Mix the sauce and the salmon mix.

Step five: Make it look cute on a plate!!


TADAAA it’s soooo easy and it tastes like heaven. I hope y’all enjoy this recipe, I sure as hell did.

OH AND BEFORE I FORGET, today I also became a promoter of the amazing webshop ChiqueBoss, (CLICK ON IT) the woman who runs it is a really amazing and inspiring woman and I’m really honored to be promoting her stuff. I’ll keep you updated with my promoting job as well and while you’re here, follow her and her webshop on instagram please! ChiqueBoss + Chiquebossbabe

This was my FIRST WEEK BLOG, I’ll be writing every sunday, afternoon or evening. KEEP POSTED. Love you!!!



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