Week 2 – Holiday Vibes

I’M SO LUCKY BECAUSEEEE I AM NOT IN HOLLAND ANYMORE. Yes!!!!!!!!! It was a really shitty weather in Holland and now I’m finally gone for a couple of days. SO yeah I’m really excited and happy. I’ve been here since friday… Wanna know where I am? Read ahead…

Hi babessss, here I am. It’s still kinda weird, writing to you all while I’m eating… But I also look forward to it every week. I didn’t do much at the beginning of this week. I bought a bikini in Groningen (picture coming) and catched pokémon and travelled home from Robin’s house.


THE POKEMON WERE AMAZING THO. I catched an Onix, Dragonite, Exeggutor, Lapras, Snorlex,  evolved my Vulpix into a Ninetales… SO YEAH I WAS SO HAPPY. But  ok, I also wasn’t happy because the weather in Holland sucked like it was raining the WHOLE time but it’s! summer! wtf! holland! cry. But when I got home, there was amazing, low-carb FOOD. Thanks to my mom, because she’s an amazing cook and I not entirely suck….. So my mom cooked, and my favorite low-carb dish this week was a salad with mozzarella and chicken breast, it has the following ingredients:

  • 80 gram cornsalad
  • half a ball of mozzarella
  • a few pieces of cucumber
  • 4 mini tomatoes
  • half a smoked chicken breast
  • couple of pinenuts
  • a piece of bacon

You just have to put everything on top of each other (in little pieces), so it will finally looks like this: (picture is coming, you can look here for a picture and DUTCHIES this is the dutch recipe: https://www.gobento.nl/sla-mozzarella-en-kipfilet/ )

So thursday night we had to go to the airport at 3 am, so I decided to stay up with my sister Lizzy. And we cAught up with Pretty Little Liars. (did you see whAt I did there?????). AND OH MY GOD IF YOU’RE NOT UP TO DATE DOn’T READ THE FOLLOWING SENTENCE;;;::::




Okay so anyway I’m really obsessed with PLL but I’m so mad that it always takes so long for us to know we A or A.D. is or whatever like you can let us know but not the liars??>!?>!?!>?!?> ok so after catching up, we had to go to the airport. I really can’t tell you much about the travel because I slept until we got to the house…….. iN TURKEY. It’s like the opposite from the weather in Holland so that’s relaxed. My cousins joined me and my family, and of course Robin. When we got here, we immediately jumped into the pool and we swam the whole day!!!!!  I love swimming, especially when it’s in the sea. In the evening we played cards, we played this game called “toepen”, in English it doesn’t have a name but I’ll let wikipedia explain it to you:

Every player is dealt 4 cards from a 32 card deck. The cards are played one at a time face up in tricks. The first card played in a trick determines the suit for that trick. A player must follow suit to win. The goal is to win the last trick. The order of the cards is 10(high), 9, 8, 7, A, K, Q, J. All of the players excluding the winner of the fourth and final trick receives a point. A player may toep or increase the number of points at stake during a round at any time during play. Each toep increases the point value of the round by one. A toep is usually signified by a knock on the playing surface. Upon toeping the opposing players may either fold and receive the previous point total or risk receiving the new increased total by remaining in the round. Once a player reaches a certain amount of points he or she is eliminated.

Thank you Wikipedia. ANYWAY it’s a really nice game and I recommend it to you all. I’m sure we’re gonna play it the whole summer.

So the next day we went to the beach and I was really excited because I love the beach, I love sand and sea and EVERYTHING. We always go from 3 to 8 because the sun is just too hot if you go there around 12 or 1. It’s better to be in the sun around 4 pm than to be in the sun around 12, people always think you’ll get a better tan when it’s hotter outside, but that’s not true. So if you want to get a tan, but don’t want to sweat to death, go sunbathing around 5 pm.

Today we had a really nice breakfast at one of my favorite places, it’s a restaurant but it’s outside next to a river with amazing nature and it’s just so beautiful and the food is GREAT!!!!!! After that we went to the river itself, it’s a really long river and you have a lot of sheds and little boats around it. It always looks so cute, but when you get in the water, it’s not so cute anymore… It’S So COLD!!!!!!!!! You literally freeze to death if you stay in it for like longer than 0.00001 minutes. OK no it’s not that bad, but it’s like 10 degrees so yeah it’s really cold.

I wanted to show you guys pictures, too bad my wifi isn’t coöperating with me sending photos to my computer…. 😦

I’ll keep trying and update my blog when it will work. SORRY. Keep you guys updated via my social media. thanks for reading babes and see you next week!!!!!!! ❤








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