Week 3 & 4 – Turkey

Hi guysss, I’m back. But at first: I’m real real real sorry that I’m writing my blog just now. The wifi in Turkey was so bad, and my macbook wouldn’t load a single thing. So I decided to wait to get back home, and write in my home sweet home. I’m gonna tell you all about my two weeks in this beautiful country. 

Since I did a looooot of things in Turkey, I decided to pick the 3 things I liked most. Let’s start!

At my mom & grandpa’s birthday, we decided to visit my aunt and uncle in a hotel, which was near our house. It’s called Utopia World. AND REALLY it is so beautiful. We came there at first and there was a huuuuge breakfast, there were all sorts of things from turkish food to dutch food to french food to american food etc etc. There was so much choice and I’m not really much of decision person. After the breakfast, we went to the sea. They built an amazing pier where we could jump off or just sunbath. We had lunch and dinner there also, and idk it was one of the most beautiful hotels I’ve ever seen.


My second fave experience was the Sapadera Canyon, we go there every year because I want to (oops) but I just love it so much. You guys saw it on instagram, but it is just one of my fave things to do: seeing the beautiful nature of countries. Well, Turkey has a lot of beautiful nature. FOR REAL if you’re ever near Alanya, please go there. You will never regret it.


Then my third but not last favorite experience was Cleopatra’s Castle. It’s not much of a castle anymore, but the remains of it hahaha. I wanted to go there because I really love old stories. Like from Rome and Egyptian and stuff like that. So this was a castle from Cleopatra when she had to run from Rome with her lover, it’s sad because she actually died there (she was poisoned). It’s a shame there are only remains of it, but my granddad said they are thinking about rebuilding it, SO THAT WOULD BE LIT.


So those were my 3 favorite things in Turkey, besides swimming and sunbathing of course!!!!!!!!!! Since so many people want to get a tan, I wanted to reveal some tips to you to get a nice tan!

  • As I said in my previous blogpost: Go into the sun everyday for half an hour, the best time is around 11 am. If your skin gets exposed to the sun too much, you won’t a tan quicker.
  • Eat a lot of carrots and tomatoes. The pigment in those vegetables will help you get more tanned, because it’s orange and red.
  • Use suncream, people think you wont get a tan if you use it, but you will get an equal and beautiful tan, if you want to get a tan quicker, use this one: http://www.australiangoldshop.nl/australian-gold-spf-30-spray-gel-met-bronzer?gclid=CKm3kv2l684CFZKZGwodecsKVw
  • You CAN GET A TAN IN THE SHADOW. it’s much better for your skin and you will get a tan: promise.
  • Avoid the sun between 12.30 and 15.00, between then you’ll most likely get a sunburn.

I hope you thought these tips were handy: I use them every holiday, and I love my long-lasting tan. 🙂

Also I wanted to talk about how y’all MUST check out this website: chiqueboss.com. If you saw me slay in there amazing Dress So Sexy, you must be convinced. Also their founder is amazing AND JUST CHECK IT OUT. Don’t forget to use my code: JOANN to get a discount!!!!!!!! :):):)

Schermafbeelding 2016-08-31 om 11.12.39.png

My favorite low carb dish this two weeks was definitely the crusty chicken. I’ve made this before, but this time they were amaaaaaaaaazing. We left some things out of the original recipe, like the lime and the nuts.  Dutchies, the recipe: https://www.gobento.nl/crusty-kipnuggets

  • Bacon chips
  • Chicken breast (little pieces)
  • Eggs
  • Pepper & Salt
  • Herbs of your own choice

I will explain it to the rest of you. Well, first you gotta crush  bacon chips, so there are tiny bits of it left. When you’ve done that, you crush the eggs in a mug and you dip the little chicken breast pieces in it, after you dip it in the egg, you dip it in the bacon chips.

When you did this with all of the chicken breast, you put in the oven for 20 minutes on 200 degree celsius.


Last monday evening, we went back to Holland. To be honest, I was kinda happy. I just love my home in Holland and how beautiful Turkey may be, I MISSED MY BED. But I will miss Turkey with whole my heart. The people are so nice and the weather is lit and everything is so beautiful. I made so many good memories with my cousins, my sister, brother, mom, dad and of course: Robin. This was the best holiday so far and I hope it will be like this every year again.

This weekend something super excited will happen. I’m not gonna tell you what. But I’m 100% sure you will love it. You’re gonna find out what when it happens, ANNDDDD I will tell you sunday of course. So you wanna know what I did this week and what will happen this weekend? Keep posted!!! Thank you for reading babes 🙂

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