Day 1 – Oops I did it again..

Saturday 23th of July…. The day where it all started… The day that meant we couldn’t eat food for the next 9 days… Will we make it? Or are we going to fall during the Lemon Detox??? You’re gonna know all about it, if you keep posted on my blog…

GOODMORNING Y’ALL, well… only for the Dutchies.. So I’ll just say HI EVERYONE!!! Here I am again. I’m really excited to keep y’all posted on my Lemon Detox again, to the people who read my blog last year, HEY I HOPE YOU REMEMBER WHAT I’M DOING and to the people who are new, let me explain and introduce myself:

I’m Jo-Ann van den Herik, but I always type my name as Joann because… not a particular reason but yeh just call me JoJo!!!! I’m seventeen years old and for 9 days I’ll be doing the Master Cleanse. (I call it Lemon Detox, but the official name in English is Master Cleanse) You must think “what the heck is this Master Cleanse and why is she giving up food for 9 days” well….. here’s my deal.

Last year I really wanted to lose weight, I wasn’t feeling comfortable with myself and just wanted to work on myself, so my auntie Yolanda  recommended the Master Cleanse, since she and my parents already did it a few times. So I started the Master Cleanse, which means that you won’t eat for 7 to 10 days. You can only drink Lemon Juice, Water & Herbal Tea. The Master Cleanse will clean your body, and you will feel as a whole new person ready to lose some weight. So don’t take it as a mistake, I’m not eating 9 days to lose weight, I’m doing this to clean myself and get ready for new challenges. You will get a positive and energetic feeling, because you detoxed your whole body. LEMOOOOONSSSSS ARE LIT. photo made by my personal lemon juicer and best mom.



Anyways, this was a short summary of who I am and what I’m doing. With this blog, I’ll keep you posted every day of my journey. The boring hours, the fun hours, the crying hours (every hour …….), the laughing hours, EVERY ******* DAY. I’ll post it after the day has passed, and I’ll post it on instagram, facebook & twitter so you won’t miss out on me!!!

So I’mma tell you about Day 1 >>>>>>>>>>

It’s really exciting because my boyfriend Robin is joining this year!! YAAAAAAAAAAY. It’s so funny because normally he really eats a lot, and by a lot I really mean A LOT. So I’m really curious how he will go through the following days. So here’s a photo of Robin on his first day!! CUTIE


So we didn’t really do much this day. We watched Orange Is The New Black.. OUR NEW ADDICTION. It’s so fun, I watched it like 2 years ago when there were only 2 seasons, but I just quit after season 1 because I thought it was boring, but DAMN I WAS WRONG……… I love it. I’m not up to date yet, sooooo NO SPOILERS PLEASE.

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We played cards outside, and had a swim in our personal swimming pool. (It’s just a small swimming pool but IDC I luv it) And I love playing cards because I’m always beating Robin muHAHAhahhahahbfdhbjfask, bye Robin.


Anyways, we did that and of course… Our other addiction POKÉMON GO >>> yes it’s true I’m addicted to pokémon always was, always will be. Y’ALL SHARE YOUR POKÉMON I’M SO EXCITED. We always catch pokémon in our fave amusement park… The Efteling!!! There are so many pokéstops like, I’m not even joking every move you make there’s a pokéstop, and on days like Saturdays there are soon many lures because it’s always really busy. So of course we had to go to the Efteling.. even though there was so many food and it smelled so nice and I was crying on the inside but yeah… everything for the pokémon. During the catching pokémon, I just had to make a photo with the red with white mushrooms because they’re just this typical thing of the Efteling. And there’s a Dutch song about a mushroom like that…. it goes like this

Op een grote paddestoel,
Rood met witte stippen,
Zat kabouter Spillebeen,
Heen en weer te wippen.
Krak, zei toen de paddestoel,
Met een diepe zucht,
Allebei de beentjes,
Hoepla in de lucht!

It’s about a gnome who is sitting on a mushroom and then the mushroom broke and he fell….. So sad….. BUT I WAS SMILING SO I DIDN’T FALL OF THE MUSHROOM. Joann: 1 Mushroom: 0


So the first day, was fun but kinda hard, you switched from eating to not eating at all, and you just have to change your entire pattern.. But yeah, I’m most of all really excited and I’m sure as hell that I will slay this week!!!! YAS.

I hope you enjoyed reading the blog, and I will keep you posted on my life, my detox journey and maybe some beauty tips. If you have questions that you want to bed answered, just ask me on my blogpost or instagram or twitter or whaTEVER. I’d be happy to answer them.


Schermafbeelding 2016-07-24 om 12.35.01this episode was so much fun


Rebuild Days – Some Exciting News

Hiiiiiii guys!! So I told you all I was gonna post another blogpost yesterday… but I got a little busy so here I am! I’m gonna tell you all how my rebuild days went, what I did, what I ate (YESSSAYEAHAAHAHAH) and a bunch of tips for you all. And at the end I got some exciting news, well I think it’s exciting, I hope you do too! Anyway, let the blogpost begin….

So yeah thursday was the firstday I got to finally eat something normal again. AN APPLE. Yeah an apple was my breakfast. I couldn’t even eat the whole apple because I had enough after like half the apple. Sad. My lunch existed of grated carrot with lemon juice and maple syrup all over it. It was a really weird combination and I didn’t like it, again I only ate half because I had enough. In between I didn’t do much, I walked 4 km, my normal round and watched tv shows. My dinner was a delicious fruitsalad. YOU SHOULD ALL TRY IT. Its really easy, you need:
  • A pineapple
  • A melon
  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries
  • Some nectarine
  • Maple syrup (for the ones who really want sugar with it, this is a good replacement)

This is how it looks like:

11830937_917553728291405_455547498_nSo that is what I ate Thursday. Friday morning, we went to the primark. Because I really “needed” clothes and stuff. I bought several nice things!!!!! My favorite is a black white striped crop top and a hand bracelet. Those are the cutest look:

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Oh yeah, before going to the primark I ate an apple. Nothing special. As lunch, we needed to eat soup. I was happy af omg. FINALLY SOMETHING THAT WASN’T SWEET. And I love soup. I don’t know why, I just do. And also we could eat two puffed rice cakes, I never thought I would be so happy to eat those. In between I started watching Teen Wolf season 5. AND MIKE FROM PRETTY LITTLE LIARS IS IN IT AND I WAS SCREAMING until I found out that he’s *SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* SUPER EVIL. LIke wtf is he doing????//?? Anyways, you should all start to watch Teen Wolf. If not for the storyline, you should watch it for Dylan O’Brien and Tyler Posey. Hotness overload. Okay so my dinner was the same as my lunch. Yay so much variety. In the evening I could eat an orange. Which I was again really happy with because I love oranges.

Saturday, I could finally eat something NORMAL. SO I ATE A REALLY NICE SALAD WITH MY MOM AND DEAD. It’s so delicious like for real. I’m gonna give you all the recipe:

  • Corn salad
  • Rucola
  • Blue cheese
  • Grapes
  • Apple
  • Raspberry dressing
  • Walnuts

It sounds a bit odd, but it’s really nice. You should cut the blue cheese, grapes and apple in pieces. After that put it in a bowl or plate with the salads, then crack the walnuts and put it over the salad. And at last, you should put the dressing over it. Not too much, just a little. IT’S SO NICE. This is how it looks like:


So after eating the salad I dressed up and went to the mart in our village. It was really fun, you came along a lot of people you know and there were so many things to buy. Also it was bigger than normal so that was really fun. I bought somethings, like a new wallet. We had fun and after that we went home because we expected guests. We let them try one of my favorite dishes: Quinoa  slad!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also I’m going to tell you again what you need to make it:

  • 250 gram of quinoa
  • 1 lemon (YES LEMONS, you squeeze it across the salad, so not pieces of lemon through it)
  • Tomato’s
  • 1 or 2 avocados
  • Scallion
  • Rucola (we eat it next to the quinoa salad but you can put it through if you want to)
  • Fresh mint
  • Feta
  • Roasted pinenuts (those smell so good omg)
  • Raisins
  • Olive-oil
  • Pepper and salt

It finally looks like this:

11805970_917553734958071_2114016189_n(1)It’s really one of my favorite dishes. Yesterday wasn’t really special, I worked all day and bought some sunflowers for my mom! I also bought myself this really cute sunflower. Idk, I just really love sunflowers, they’re bright and happy and I want to be bright and happy too!!!!!! After work, I went running again with my mom and dad and in the evening I was really tired so I did nothing special. I ate a salad and a vegetarian lasagne. Oh yeah, we didn’t eat meat or carbohydrates this weekend, because that’s not really good to eat so suddently when you haven’t been eating in a long time. It’s also good to know that when you want to lose weight, you should try to either eat vegetarian or as less carbohydrates as possible. I WANTED TO SHOW A PHOTO OF MY SUNFLOWER:

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It’s cute right!? Well anyways, this were my Rebuild Days. Today I’m gonna eat meat again, but we’re gonna keep up to eat as less carbohydrates as we can. It’s gonna be a tough one since I’m gonna go to the Turkey this friday…… THEY HAVE THIS REALLY NICE BREAD. It wasn’t as fun to start eating again as I expected. I thought I would really feel good but IT DOESN’T. I mean, it’s nice to eat again but I didn’t miss it as much as I thought I would. Anyway, I had exciting news!!!! A lot of people thought my blog was really fun to read and that I did an amazing job. They also asked me if I could go on with my blog. After a lot of thinking, I decided I’m gonna keep posting!! So every sunday I’m gonna post a blogpost, with tips and tricks for healthy ways to lose weight, or just beauty tricks. Also I’m going to tell you all about my life and my experiences with the tips and tricks. I hope you all going to read it and ask questions so I can help you guys out. I’m not gonna post everyday, because it’s really a lot of work. But I do love to blog and your reactions have been really important to me. I’m starting with new project now.. You want to know what it is and how it’s gonna work out it? Read my blogpost coming sunday!!!!! It can be that I won’t have internet to post anything, because in Turkey it’s always really unsure whether the internet is working or not… But I will let you guys know on my instagram page. I hope you liked my blogpost today and now go out and have a nice day today!! See ya!!!!

Day 10 – YES WE DID IT!!!

After 10 days of not eating, having to struggle with seeing anyone eat food, having stomachaches, losing weight, drinking only lemon juice, 150 lemons, and 60 bottles of lemon juice we’re finally there….. DAY 10 OFFICIALLLY ENDED. I’m so happy that I did this, I set my goals and I went for it and I’m really proud of myself. I’m gonna tell you all what happens next… Today I can finally eat again.. But it’s not eating like you all think it is. You need to rebuild your eating habits, so you’ve gotta start easily. Today I can only eat: an apple, grated carrot and a fruit salad. So no, I can’t eat a Big Mac or something like that. To rebuild your eating habits, you got to take it slow for 3 days. After that you can (again easy) start to eat normal things. If you want to keep losing weight, you should be really picky and if not it would be smart to just eat healthier, it will keep your body cleaner. For everyone who wants to try this but think 10 days is too hard: You can also just fast for one day in the middle of the week. This is good if you want to lose weight but also for the cleanse of your body. Also, the master cleanse is meant to be longer than 7 days, but shorter than 10. That means you can also do it for 8 or 9 days. Maybe if you think that will be easier you can try that one, and if you ever have questions about something: I’ll be here!!

When you are rebuilding there are also some supplements you need to take: Spirulina and Bee pollen (Bijenpollen in Dutch, but I don’t know if the translation is right). Also we need to drink a loooooooot of freshly squeezed orange juice. The juice will help get your stomach ready for ‘normal food’ again and help your body to be ready to metabolize them. Because you probably don’t know what those supplements do, I will tell you:
  • It contains a lot of vitamins; A, C, E, K and B vitamins B1, B2 and B6.
  • It contains a lot of minerals; this is especially important for woman because we often have a lack of them, think of calcium, magnesium and iron.
  • There are elements in Spirulina that makes you less hungry.
  • It keeps you body in balance.
  • It’s a powerful tonic for the immune system.
  • It’s good for weight loss. Although, spirulina on its own will not let you lost weight. However, it does provide the right conditions within the body to help achieve this goal.
  • It will ward of the worst effects of a hangover…. I thought this would be a really important point for you all. 😛

Schermafbeelding 2015-07-30 om 12.11.14Bee pollen:

  • It’s also an immune system booster.
  • It gives you a lot of energy. The carbohydrates, protein and B vitamins can help keep you going all day.
  • It protects the skin and helps with the regeneration of cells.
  • It treats allergies. (This is not why we need to take it, but I thought it might be helpful)
  • Bee pollen contains enzymes that can aid in digestion.
  • It treats addictions, like smoking, drinking, eating too much etc..

Schermafbeelding 2015-07-30 om 12.11.20When I look back on the 10 days, it was exactly easier than I had expected. Not that I’m saying it was easy. At first, I thought, hmmmm maybe I can do this for like an hour…… But it just turned out to be so different. I didn’t tell you about yesterday though! Yesterday was a really nice day, I wasn’t hungry, I cleaned up my room, wrote a birthday card for a friend of mine. Tell him all happy birthday over HERE!!!! Do it!! <<<<<<<!!!! I watched some really nice movies: YOU SHOULD ALL WATCH JURASSIC PARK BECAUSE IT’S SO NICE AND FUNNY. Although people in movies like that are often so stupid………. I’m not going to spoil anything but smh…… Anyways: It was a good day. But I mostly had a lot of good days, and like 3 bad days. That’s why it’s a big recommendation to you all. I feel a lot better about myself now. I know there are people who want to do it, but think they can’t; believe me I’ve been there, but YOU CAN DO THIS. And if you want my help, again, you can always ask me questions and stuff. And even if you do it for 8 days or you just fast one day, it’s about the effort you make and if that’s a great deal for you than I’m really proud of you!! Also you should all make a visit to the spirutal tree I visited on day 3………. I mean, it did help after all!!! My tips if you want to do this:

  • Prepare yourself for the worst: this way it’s always better than you expected or as bad as you thought.
  • Don’t eat a lot of unhealthy food the last day before the detox: this way it will probably get harder.
  • Surround yourself with people who support you, not with people who don’t believe in the detox or in you!!! This is the most important I guess, if other people believe in you, you will believe in yourself and it will be easier.
  • Do it with someone else, your roommate, sister, mother, father, best friend, whatever. It’s really nice to have someone who knows exactly what you’re going through.
  • Share your experiences! This blog really helped me to vent it all out, otherwise you get stuck with all those feelings and hunger and I’m busy with a blogpost for like an hour so it’s really timetaking.
  • You have to 16 years and older. This is really important!!!!
  • Do things you love! Go out, go midgetgolfing, bowling, running, swimming, jumping, I DON’T CARE. But GO OUT AND DO THE THINGS YOU LOVE. This way you will be distracted from your stomach crying for food.
  • Don’t do it while you’re really busy. The best time to do it is in a vacation.
  • Focus on your goals. This helps you to get through it, believe me.

I want to thank you all for reading my blog, helping me through it, and let me know you supported me. I’m SO PROUD OF MYSELF. I can’t even tell. I hope you enjoyed reading my blog, I will post again on sunday, than I finished my rebuild days and I will let you know how it went. If you have any questions, please contact me! You can contact me on tumblr, instagram or twitter. Those are on the ‘About me’ page. AGAIN THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH. See ya saturday!

Zac is so hot, okay… BYE

Day 9 – We’re Almost There

We’re almost thereeeee, we’re almost hereeeeeee, but we’re not finished yet. I quickly translated a Dutch song. All Dutch people will understand it: We zijn er bijnaaaaaaa, we zijn er bijnaaaaa, maar nog niet helemaal!!!! AND YES we’re almost there. Tomorrow is the last day and I’m so exciteeeeeedddddd. But first I will tell you how my day was.. 

So I guessed today wasn’t going to be so hard, because yesterday and the day before went pretty easily. But today was real tough. I woke up at like 5 am and I had these bad stomachaches, so I couldn’t sleep anymore. Whenever I did fall asleep, I woke up like 10 minutes later because I was feeling this pain again. It was very hurtful. I knew exactly why my belly hurt so much. It’s because of the green powder I told you about. We needed to take this because it stimulates our metabolism, so we could go to the toilet. (And I don’t mean to pee, because we only drink so peeing is something I did so much this week) It contains sage leaves, grape sugar and fennel seed. I didn’t went to the toilet so often, so my mom said I needed to take more of the green powder. So I did and I could go to the toilet but with a struggle: my stomach. It did hurt all day, it still does now. So today was pretty bad for me. A reminder for you all how the green powder looked like:

We got it from Jacob Hooy, but you can also get it from Madal Bal

We got it from Jacob Hooy, but you can also get it from Madal Bal

I didn’t do much today, I watched Pokémon: black & white with my brother. AND YES IT IS FUN. I don’t even know, but Pokémon keeps being fun even though I’m 16 years old and considered “grown-up”. My brother was eating macaroni for dinner, and I really love Italian food, so I was really craving the macaroni since my belly hurt and stuff. I was jealous and he was sitting there next to me with his macaroni. 😦

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Anyways, what I did do was putting coconut oil in my hair. Coconut oil is good for a lot of things, so I thought: why not name the benefits of using coconut oil!! You can either eat eat it, put it in your tea (if you don’t like to eat it), put it in your hair or put it on your skin! It’s a really easy and nice way to stay healthy.

Eating/drinking coconut oil:

  • It benefits your health. It kills off bacteria, moulds and viruses in your body.
  • It protects you against kidney stones.
  • It improves the making of insulin in your body, so it prevents and threats diabetes.
  • It will get your body to withdraw calcium and magnesium better, so it’s good for your teeth and bones.
  • It improves your metabolism.
  • It’s good for your liver; the substances that coconut oil contains are converted to energy.

Putting it in your hair:

Coconut oil is extremely good for you hair: it gets stronger, thicker and grows faster. It also works against losing poly peptide in your hair. How to do it is really simple:

  1. Wash your hair and wait until it’s almost dry.
  2. Rub the oil between your hands and put it in your hair. (How much depends on the length of your hair)
  3. Keep putting more oil in your hair until it’s slippery and shining.
  4. Make a braid or a bun, so your hair is held together and the oil can be admitted in your hair.
  5. Keep it in for like an hour and wash it out.

Putting it on your skin:

Coconut oil feeds your hair, but it also feeds your skin. You can use it for dry hands, or a dry skin. As example; use it as a bodylotion or before you shave your legs. It also works against acne, at first it may seem odd, because oil is not a good plan if you’ve got acne since it clogs your pores. But coconut oil is antibacterial and it contains lauric and capric acids, those substances turn into monocaprin and monolaurin once you apply it on your skin. Those replace the protective coating on your skin instead of removing it, so it’s much better than many soap products. Anyway, whenever you use it, be careful to see how your skin reacts. Apparently you can also use it as make-up remover, but I never did that before, so I can’t tell if it works properly.

I use this coconut oil and it’s a big recommendation to you all to use it too!!! It’s really helpful and healthy and it smells nice.

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So today was pretty hard and my stomach hurt really bad but NEVERTHELESS I’m still doing this and I’m so PROUD. Like I kept doing this even though it was hard sometimes and I set my goals, so I’m going to achieve them. I believed in myself and I guess that’s the recipe to doing this. So this was my blog today, I thought today’s blog would be really informative and helpful to you all, since I didn’t do a lot today. I’m going to sleep early tonight and I hope you all have a great evening!!! Bye!

Day 8 – Bowling Queen

You are the bowling queeeeeen, young and sweet, only seventeen!!!! Bowling that was the thing we did today. I was so sure I would win, because I’m always the best….. But today there was someone with us who was the Bowling King…… you’re curious already? I won’t let you wait.

So today I woke up late……. Because I facetimed till late at night. It’s not recommended to stay up late while doing the detox. It’s better go to sleep early, especially when you’re not really resistant to the hunger. But I never eat at night so it isn’t like a big deal for me. But it’s just healthier to sleep before 12 am and then just sleep for 7 to 9 hours. If you sleep too long or too short, you can gain weight. Did you know that if all the time you sleep before 12 am, feels like double. If you sleep one hour, it feels like two. I thinkt that’s really weird, but it’s true!!! Anyway, I woke up late, and got out of bed. I did the usual stuff, girl stuff. Doing my hair, make up. After that, Roelof came to our house. He was a little late because his cow deliverd a baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And he will name her JoanN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO I WILL HAVE A CALF NAMED AFTER ME. I’m like as happy as this right now:

Anyways, Roelof came to my house and we left to go bowling. So we got at the bowling center but the door was still closed. My mom freaked out, because she thought it was still closed although we made a reservation, so we stood there calling the bowling center. But just then someone came and opened the door. It was funnier when you were actually there, lol. When we got inside we needed to pick out shoes. This is always one of the hardest things for me, BECAUSE THOSE STUPID SHOES NEVER FIT. They just don’t!!!!!!! So I needed to fit like 5 pair of shoes until I got the right one. Always a struggle.
WHEN EVERYONE FINALLY GOT THEIR SHOES ON, we started bowling. As I said before, I was sure I was going to win. At first, it was going well… I had a strike!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was like really happy but the happiness made place for sadness when Ian and Chris were catching up. AND THEN ROELOF WAS CATCHING UP WITH ME TOO. So I was like, whats happening!?!?!??!?!?! I’m not bad!??!???!?! HOW CAN THIS BE. So while playing we decided to take a model bowl picture, I thought maybe I will get better after it..:
Schermafbeelding 2015-07-27 om 20.32.43 Schermafbeelding 2015-07-27 om 20.32.00
But I didn’t got better. I got worse. But I wasn’t last. Lizzy was, but she just really sucked. I’m sorry Liz, ly. My mom orderded some drinks and food. Which I couldn’t eat of course…. yay. It were bitterballen (those are Dutch snacks) and I REALLY LOVE THEM. But I could drink my water, I didn’t even had lemon juice. Poor me. 😦
11798016_914706035242841_1378634822_nSO after eating the bitterballen, everyone was suddenly really good at bowling. I still sucked. I guess it was because they were throwing balls and ate them (this sounds really wrong) and I didn’t!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had like 20 points in 5 rounds. Lol. But I got a little better after that and I ended with 71 points, the secound round.  The first round I was better!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did throw a strike and a spare but THEY DIDN’T COUNT AND I DON’t knOW WHY BUT I’M STILL UPSET ABOUT IT.  😥 After bowling we went home in the car and we had a really funny ride. My brother wore my jacket and it looked really big and funny, because he’s little. Of course we took a selfie with Chris and Ian. (Chris is my cousin)
Schermafbeelding 2015-07-27 om 20.32.21We arrived home and wanted to watch a movie. We chose Sex Drive. We thought it would also be fun for my brother and cousin, but it turned out to be about a lot of sex… Suprise, seeing the name. But it was a really funny movie tho. While watching the movie, they also need to eat. So they ate hamburgers. JEALOUS MUCH. But I made them for everyone so I would have a little of hamburger in me. Not really but it would feel like it!!!! 😦
Today was again a really good day, I wasn’t tired, I wasn’t hungry and I was really motivated to do things. But I’m glad it’s almost over tough. The lemon juice starts to be really boring and you just want something else…. Something salt… Something NOT LEMON JUICE. The detox also makes me a worse bowling player. SO IF YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR BOWLING SKILLS Up, YOU SHOULDN’T DO THIS!!!!!! 😦 😦 😦 This was my day!! I’m watching pokémon now AND IT’S REALLY FUN so I’m going to concentrate on the tv. See you alllll!!!!

Day 7 – Day At The Farm

At the farm?? This is probably what’s going through your minds right now. YES I was at a farm, it’s the farm of a reallllyyy good friend of mine, and I had a really nice day!!! But first, I will answer your questions of yesterday in a short summary! ENJOY!!!

In many cultures people fast. Not only to clean their body, but also to get balanced, to build up the immune system and to get self-control. But when you fast, you also lose weight. This is not the most important reason to do it though, after the detox your senses are refined. For example, my mom thinks her sight improved because before she couldn’t read the subtitles without glasses and now she doesn’t need them anymore. Also you smell things better. You will have a better condition, skin and hair, but I already got that…. No just kidding. 😛 Also when you’re addicted, for example to coffee, candy, chocolate or sigarettes, the Master Cleanse is a perfect way to lose these urges. The most obvious sign that toxics leave your body, is shown by the fact that your tongue turns white/yellow. This will dissapear once you finish it. After the detox, you will feel better, you will get more energy, be more positive about things and you will become more critical about the food you eat. If you want to keep feeling this way, you should continue certain eating habits. For example, less meat, less sugar and more vegetables/fruits, preferably biological. Don’t eat at night and be more active every week. But most important: enjoy the food you eat. It’s not about quantity, but about quality. Like I would be happy with one fresh strawberry right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You should only do the detox when you’re older than 16, really motivated, healthy and ready to give up some of your daily habits. ( not only for 10 days 🙂 ) During the detox you should also do sports like, hiking and biking, because otherwise the weight you will be losing is not only fat but also muscle.
And last but not least, the lemon juice taste like fanta. (Lemonade) So no it’s not as sour as a lemon itself, that’s because of the maple syrup. It’s really nice in the beginning, but I think I’ll have enough of it for like 500000000 years after 10 days. If you want to know more about the Master Cleanse you should go to the website or or buy this book, you can buy it at the store “de Tuinen”:

Schermafbeelding 2015-07-26 om 22.43.46So yeah this is basically why I do it. Anyway, back to the farm. I had the nicest day at Roelof’s house. CLICK ON HIS NAME. Yes again. I will always encourage you all to follow all my great friends. We did a lot and had a lot of fun which I’m gonna tell you all about. This morning I woke up and got showered and stuff and I was supposed to go to Roelof by 1 pm, but as always, I was laaaaaate. This is one of my bad habits lol but he couldn’t care less, so yay happy me. It took me 40 minutes to bike there because it’s not what you say, close to home. But it was definetely worth it! Firstly, he showed me the whole farm. It’s really big and the whole time I was like “omg this is so cool”. There were sooooo many cows and he showed me around, where they got milked and where the milk was stored. There was like 1003837419383 liters of milk and I was like ew so gross. ( I HATE MILK ) (HE DOES TO BUT HE’S A FARMER THING SO LOL) He also showed me his tractors, AND I WANTED TO SIT ON THEM. So I did. Yeah I’m such a rebel. There were also soooo many straw bales, and they were on top of each other so it was like 5 meter high and I wanted to climb them because Roelof said you actually could without falling through, BUT then I realized I had a fear of heights and that I’m actually a coward so lol. Never mind. For you to picture how big it was, I took a photo:


After that we went to his other tractor. The BIG ONE with a roof. I also sat in this one. And of course, of COURSE I took a photo of that too. And a AMAZING selfie of me and the famous Roelof. He’s a model. Like for real look a this picture:


The old tractor

The old tractor



After looking at the tractors and straw, we went back to the cows, because I THOUGHT IT WAS SO COOL. Like I want cows too!!!!!!!!!! So if someone just could be really generous and give me a cow. That would be nice. There were also a couple of calfs who just born and THEY WERE SO CUTE. There was one and he was really my favorite and I wanted to name him but I’m bad at names and Roelof said she already had a name but I couldn’t care less SO I decided to call it calf. As prove to you all that I’m just really bad at names. Me and calf were so cute together that Roelof took a couple of pictures!! LOOK AT US. RELATIONSHIP GOALS.

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After all the things around the farm, we went back to the house because Roelof was expecting some of his friends to come over for a barbecue. YAY BARBECUE. No. My menue existed of: roasted lemon juice. I was expecting the worst, but really I didn’t have any trouble with it at all. In fact, I actually helped Roelof with roasting the meat. I was really proud of myself. I just wasn’t hungry!!! But I was really cold though. It’s one of the side effects of doing the detox, being cold all the time. So I could wear one of Roelof sweaters. IT WAS REALLY NICE.

Selfie with the sweater of course

Selfie with the sweater of course

My delicious meal

My delicious meal

Their delicious meal

Their delicious meal

But as I said, I had no trouble with it at all. After that I cleaned up with Roelof together, and they wanted to roast marshmellows. SO I ACTUALLY ROASTED ALL OF ROELOFS MARSHMELLOWS BECAUSE IT’S REALLY FUN TO DO IT. You could set the marshmellow on fire and it would become black/brown and really soft. After we roasted to them to eat it, (they ate it not me) we throwed some marshmellows in the fire just to watch what would happend if they were fully exposed to fire. Well, now I know or 100000% that marshmellows are really unhealthy. They would turn all black and crispy because all the sugar burned. It was really fun to see though, the marshmellow became reaaaally big, like 10 normal marshmellows would fit in a burned one and then as I said, black and crispy. After burning all the marshmellow, we wanted to burn other things so we decided to get the corn which the cows eat. But unfornately, it wasn’t a full corncob so it wouldn’t pop like popcorn but you heard it a little bit.

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So this was my day. I HAD A REALLLYYYYYYYY GREAT ONE. It was great as in what I did and the people I was with. But also because I wasn’t hungry at all and I just could roast meat and marshmellows and be like I DON’T EVEN CARE. You can see that the tough days are over and you get used to not eating. But it’s almost coming to an end… I’m really excited to know how it will all turn out. I hope you had a good time reading my blog today, and you will read all about my day tomorrow!!!!!! GOODNIGHT SWEETHEARTS.

And one nice Channing Tatum gif before your night sleep…… AU REVOIR

Day 6 – Hallo Jumbo

Today was the first day of my second half of the Master Cleanse. It was day 6. It wasn’t a really exciting day at all… But it was very hard though. I worked all day at the supermarket Jumbo, it’s a Dutch supermarket so only Dutchies will understand the title… Anyway, here we go.

So tonight I couldn’t sleep although I was very tired, but I did had to get up because work. YES LOVE IT. Not. I got up, got dressed in my amazing jumbo outfit and drank some of my amazing lemon juice. I couldn’t drink the green powder just yet, because you get a stomachache like 7 hours later if you drink it and you need to go to the toilet, if you know what I mean. So that would’ve meant that I had to go to the bathroom while working and that wouldn’t be very nice, to say at least. I also did my make-up and because many people ask me which mascara I use so I thought I would show you guys which one, I first use my eyelash curler, I heat it with my hairdryer so my eyelashes will look longer and then I put the blue max factor mascara on, and after that I put the red l’oreal mascara on:

SO that was that. I biked to my work and I worked all day. Nothing special happened really while I was working. But I have to say it was really hard to see all the food and smell it but I couldn’t eat it. There was this lady and she had warm apple turnover, because they came just out of the oven. She wanted to buy them and I smelled them and my heart just broke a little….. Poor apple turnovers….. They just wanted to be with me…..

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Crying on the inside……

The lunch break was really hard, as was my breakfast, and dinner. Like everything was hard today. But at my work, there were just so many nice smells and delicious food. Everyone was eating something and I was just like I CANT EAT. I WANT TO. BUT I CANT. This was one of the few times I actually had the need to eat. I hadn’t had those much this week. But today, I definitely had a few.

I thought it was really nice that so many people were really interested in what I was doing exactly. What stand out to me, was that many people still had a lot of questions about why this detox is good for you, because they think it’s not good to fast for 10 days, what it does to your body, because they think that you won’t lose fat but muscle, how it makes you feel, how it’s going to be after the detox, what the lemon juice tastes like, if they can do it themselves. Let’s get one thing straight: I wouldn’t be doing this if it hadn’t a good affection on my body. This is the reason I’m doing this BECAUSE IT’S HEALTHY. I will answer all those questions extensive in tomorrows blogpost. If someone has as question they want an answer to, ask me on my instagram, facebook or just comment your question below! I wanted to do it today, but today just wasn’t a good day for me. As I said, I was really hungry. I was as tired as a TV on stand-by (???? I DONT EVEN KNOW I just wanted to compare it to something, this is the only thing that came in mind…. You’ll understand how I feel now) and also I was veryyyyyyyyy sad and moody. So NICE COMBO JOANN. Anyway, I didn’t let those things get in the way to being nice to my customers. I’m such a good cashiere lol. 😛 I’m really glad though that we’re past the middle already, and that I get to eat something thursday. It’s only an orange, but it’s something, right!?!? You guys must be thinking, ONLY AN ORANGE!?!? ARE YOU GOING MAAAAAD. No, I’m not going mad. YES, I would rather eat sushi (A lot of sushi), but we need to build our eating habits up again and that needs to happen slowly and proper. While doing this, you realize that you eat so many unhealthy things and that little things like a tomato or a strawberry can make you as happy as a bag of chips when you’re hungry. So yeah, I’m actually looking forward to eating an orange. Who would ever thought that? At the end of the day, when I finished working, I didn’t do much.. My mom lay me on this massage bed thing, I don’t know how to call it but it vibrated and it was nice for your back and stuff. Later that evening I face timed with ROBIN!!!!!!!! Robin Stark!!!!!! ROBB STARK (GoT FANS !!!!!) Yeah this is only something we understand lol. I tried writing my blog earlier and he helped me, but it just wouldn’t work… I mean he said he would scare y’all away. I guess he would be right…..

This was my blogpost for today, I’m going to bed now. It’s already 11 pm in the Netherlands, BEDTIME! No not for real, but I’m just going to lay in bed watching tv shows ( YES !!!!!!!!!) untill I fall asleep or something like that….. XOXO Doei Jumbo

Day 5 – It’s Really Happening

They said the two hardest days would be day 4 and day 5. As you all read, day 4 wasn’t as hard for as everyone implied. I did fine and explained you all how to make lemon juice!!!!! Did you like your certificate? The only thing was the fact that I was really tired all day, but I honestly wasn’t hungry. If only that were the case today…

So as I told you yesterday, today I went to my grand mom and -dad. They live a bit far away from us, so we needed to drive there with the car. Since we needed to be there at 1 pm, we had to leave at 12 am. THIS WAS THE REASON I WAS AWAKE EARLIER THAN 12 AM TODAY. I’m really proud of myself. So I showered, brushed my teeth did my make-up and got dressed. Did you know that you shouldn’t brush your teeth about half an hour after you drank lemon juice? Otherwise it’s really bad for your dental enamel on your teeth. Also it’s better to just drink the lemon juice with a straw, because then it won’t affect your teeth at all. Anyways, I wore this cute dress I got from my family in the USA. It was black with white palm threes on it, and of course, as always, I will show you a picture:

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At first, I wasn’t sure if I should wear it, because it’s really tight, and I’m not always like comfortable in tight things but I was glad I did wear it. We arrived at my grand moms house and everyone immediately told me I looked fabulous and it really showed my body shape. So YAY. After kissing and hugging everyone, I introduced myself to my second-nieces. They’re visiting Holland with their mom, my mom’s cousin, but they’re from the USA themselves. I talked to my mom’s cousin about school in America, and all kind of stuff they have there but do not have in Holland and the other way around. Did you know they have chocolate with bacon in the USA!?!?! I want to try it really bad omg, not that I’m sure it’s nice but I just want to know. :p Also I finally understand the differences between the school systems in the USA and over here, the differences made me come to the conclusion that America is way better than the Netherlands. Not that we didn’t know already, but now I’m sure lol. Anyways, it was really fun to talk about those things because they really interest me. Because one of my second-nieces didn’t want to speak Dutch, every one of the children was speaking English and it was really funny to hear. My brother was saying all kinds of weird sentences like “I go win van you with the Wii spell” which means like “I’m going to win from you at this Wii game”. But it’s actually really good he can produce sentences like this, because he’s only 9. Also I saw my twin cousins again, they’re only a year old, BUT THEY’RE SO CUTE. Just look at them eating frankfurters, AHW:

Schermafbeelding 2015-07-24 om 20.56.08Later that day, I went inside because I was going to face time with a friend of mine, named Jeff. (Yes you can click his name, and YOU SHOULD because he’s nice) Benthe (my cousin, she’s 3 and really cute) was sitting on my lap but she refused to say hi. So I went around asking other people to say hi to him but everyone refused. Lol it was really funny actually and a bit sad. The only who said hi were my brother, Ian and my second-niece, Zarah. The funniest thing was, Benthe didn’t want to say hi but every time he went on another app and you got to see the screen ‘pause’, she would be like “where is he??? can he come back please” and then he came back on screen and she would be like “bye got no time for you”. I laughed really hard and fortunately, Jeff thought it was cute too.

After all the talking and hugging and playtime, it was dinnertime for everyone. Yay!!!!!!! Except my mom and me. We were more like booooooohooooo 😦 😦 😦 It’s been hard all day, because there were so many nice things at the table and then there came frankfurters, and soup, and toast, and cheese, and Doritos, and everything you can think of. I was there sitting like, yeah you all have that delicious food but I HAVE LEMON JUICE SO Y’ALL SHOULD BE SO JEALOUS BECAUSE THIS IS THE BEST FOOD IN THE WORLD And no it isn’t, I’m crying on the inside.  I will show you how it looked:

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You all see my lemon juice!?!? YUMMY. It was really tough. You only realize how hungry you are when you see everybody eat and smell the food. But yeah I had to keep my state of mind up and realize that after all this, I will be so proud of myself and when I can finally eat again I will appreciate it a lot more.

This was my blog post for today, I’m sorry it’s a bit short but I’m just really tired.. and hungry!!!!!!!! Today was as hard as they said it would be. I’m hoping tomorrow will not be this tough because I have to work all day, from 8 am till 5 pm. YAY. I will tell you how my day was tomorrow. Now I’m going to sleep for the rest of my life, bye.

No kidding, I’m going to sleep until my alarm clock wakes me up. Yes I’m really looking forward to that moment. Have a nice evening you all!

Day 4 – Hey Macklemore! Can We Go Thrift Shopping?

What, what, what, what, what… Today I met the one and only Macklemore!!!!! Oh, no wait I didn’t, I just wish I had. My day wasn’t half as exciting as meeting him would be, however I did do something cool.. I went to a thrift shop and bought some really nice clothes with only 20 euros in my pocket! (Actually it was my moms pocket, but sshhttt that doesn’t matter!) So maybe that’s why I thought I met Macklemore… Well, whatever let’s begin!

Today I woke up at 12 am (again, wohoooooo exciting) and I went downstairs. I was actually really tired, but I didn’t know why because I hadn’t been doing anything special. So I had my breakfast, we all know what it existed of, and discussed with my mom and sister what we would be doing today. OH I DIDN’T MENTION THIS BUT, my sister joined us today!

image1(2)Her name is Lizzy (yes you can click on her name, give it a try :D) and she is 14 years old. This means that she is too young to join the Master Cleanse. The Master Cleanse is meant for adults, not that I’m an adult, but it is okay to participate if you’re 16 years and older. However doing this one can’t hurt, it’s actually really good to fast for a day. So if you want to try to fast, but you think you can’t endure to fast for 10 days, you can try to just not eat anything one day a week. Anyway, we decided to go to this thrift shop. We came there and it was really dusty, so Lizzy sneezed the whole time. At first, I didn’t know where to start. There was just too much and at first sight it all looked a bit old and boring. Bu that didn’t stop me, because I’m a real shopaholic, and I can always find something!!!!! So after searching for like an hour and a half. We had actually found a lot of things. So we started fitting stuff and I eventually bought seven things, which I’m really proud of because they’re sooooo pretty. My favorite one was this dress. You really saw a difference at my belly and legs and butt and EVERYTHING. So I was really proud, I mean it’s only day 4!!!!!! So I decided to show this one to you all:


It’s just a plain white dress with black stripes, but it fits really good and the quality is really nice. And my belly is flat so YAY HAPPY ME. After we bought our clothes, we went home and made pictures of everything I bought. Yeah that’s basically something I do every time I buy something new…..

When I finished taking pictures and sending them to the people who, in my opinion, had to see them, I started answering some questions about the detox. Many people are asking the same two things: Can you eat during the detox? and How do you make this lemon juice exactly? So I thought, I will answer them tonight in my blog so everyone knows the answer. As I mentioned before, you CAN NOT eat during the detox. It’s the most important thing of the Master Cleanse. How to make the lemon juice is the question I didn’t answer. I did say what you need to make it, but I haven’t told you guys what the secret is of making it. So I will tell you now! My mom and I made lemon juice and made pictures, so I’m gonna tell you in steps how to do it yourself! A DIY, YEAAAAAH. Watch out! This DIY is for two bottles of lemon juice, no more, no less. And yes, you can do it at home. It’s not dangerous… I think…

  • Step 1: Take 5 lemons and cut them in half. If you don’t know how this works, or supposed to look like. Look below.

  • Step 2: Squeeze out the juice of the lemons. I wanted to do this myself because I FELT SO COOL DOING IT. So here I am, squeezing out lemons.


  • Step 3: Add the maple syrup from Madal Bal. These are 20 tablespoons, so like 20 times the action on the photo. Also I placed a photo of the maple syrup so you all know which one I mean.


  • Step 4: Add a pinch of cayenne pepper.

  • Step 5: Stir the blend you made, you have to keep stirring until it looks like this.

  • Step 6: Take two bottles of this size, and split up the blend in a way it’s equal to each other.

  • Step 7: Add springwater.

  • Step 8: SHAKE IT OFF, SHAKE IT OFF OFFFFFFFF and im just gonna shakeeeeeee shakeeeee shakeeeeee until it looks like this.

If you’re juice isn’t green, purple, or taste like catpoop, then you did it the right way! Congratz, you’re officially a lemon juice maker! Here’s your certificate. Show it to your mom, hang it on your fridge or above your bed, I DON’T CARE, but be proud of it!

Schermafbeelding 2015-07-23 om 20.37.38So how today was to me: it was fun, but I was really tired all day.. I still am. Also I had this really tedious feeling in my stomache all day, which wasn’t very pleasant either. But they said day 4 would be one of the hardest, and I wasn’t hungry at all today, so that was a lucky break. My sister went through the day perfectly, but she says, she can’t understand how I can keep this up for 4 days already.. I think it will get harder everyday, especially when you’re around people who can eat. Tomorrow I’m going to visit my grandmom and -dad. So I’m really curious how that’s gonna be with the whole family surrounding me, my mom and my dad while we can’t eat and they can. You will hear aaaaallll about it in tomorrows post. Thank you for being here with me! Ciao!

Day 3 – The Spiritual Tree

The spiritual tree, the one thing my mom wanted the see during our detox…. She was sure it would help us to “not eat”. I would say she was being ridiculous, but she insisted. I had to come with her. I had to see the tree the whole village (as my mom said, I never heard about it before) was talking about. So I came with her to see if this tree would help us with our journey… If I only knew what I know now…

Hi guys! I’m really sorry I’m posting this late, but I went to see a movie with my friend Yvette, which I’ll tell you later about. First, I’m going to tell you about the spiritual tree. So as I said before, my mom was really excited to see a certain tree in our village. When I heard about it at first, I was like what the hell can be so amazing about a tree???? Spiritual?????? No. Just no. For me it would me just a tree like the million others on this planet. But my mom was really sure it would give us strength to do this, so I had to come. So after writing my blogpost yesterday, I went to see the “spiritual” tree. We needed to walk to get there for like half an hour, but it felt like 5 years because doing the Master Cleanse really asks a lot of you, so I was completely out of energy. So after walking through mud, sand and a lot of raspberry boughes, we finally got there. To be honest, I was impressed. But it still wasn’t anything near spiritual or holy. However, people scratched there names in it or left flowers behind. It was really odd to see that people actually believed that this tree was a miracle. My mom said that I needed to take a picture with it because this way I could show you all how big it was. SO I DID. Mini photo-shoot, yay! As you can see, it was really beautiful. So in that way my mom was right about the tree. (I said my mom was right twice on this blog, WHAT IS HAPPENING!?)


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Me and the tree

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Me being weird with the tree

The next day I woke up at 12 am, so it wasn’t really early, as you can say. I cleaned up my room, showered (it was again really necessary) and drank my juiceeeeee. I didn’t know if I mentioned this, but the juice is actually really good. If you want to try it once just to drink something healthy,  you should give it a try. After my morning ritual, we went out to some shops to buy make up. I bought this new red lipstick and it’s so pretty and really nice!!!! I got it from the Hema, so Dutchiesss if you really want a new red lipstick and you don’t which one you have to buy, I recommend you to buy this one! It’s anti-glare (I thinks that’s pretty), colour 08, and it’s only 3.50!! Here’s the photo of it so you know which one I mean:

IMG_7287Time passed on, while being kind of hungry today, I don’t know why but today I felt like I could just drink 5 liter of lemon juice and it wouldn’t help a bit. Did I told you already that the maple syrup makes you feel like you ate because it hightens the glucose in your body, this makes you feel less hungry, so we don’t feel like starve to death. 😛 But finally it was 5 pm and I went to the cinema with my friend Yvette!!! (@yvette_xxx is her instagram!! you should all follow her she is tha bae. YES you can click on her name) We were in the bus looking for a movie to go to, because we’re both very organized and just wait and see what’s going to happen. So we picked a film named “She’s funny that way”. We arrived at the cinema, but Yvette hadn’t eat because she finished working at 5. SO SHE ATE FRENCH FRIES IN FRONT OF ME. Yes my dears, IN FRONT OF ME. But I approved, so no Yvette, you do not have to feel guilty. (Although she apologized like 50 times during her dinner lol) IMG_7279But I was sad…. Just look at me in this picture. And ofcourse… Yvette needed to try my lemon juice and she thought it was delicious so again, if you want to drink something healthy… TRY IT. IMG_7275IMG_7281

This was my prove I survived. I was actually really proud of myself though. It was hard but after I felt so good that I could resist it and just sticked to my journey. But I can’t deny it… I STILL LOVE FRIES.

After Yvette having her dinner, we went to buy some tickets for the movie. This was the moment we found out our movie wasn’t in the theater at all….. We looked at the wrong day. IT WAS SO AWKWARD. We kinda stood there like what now, we don’t know which other movie so we chose a movie named “Spy”, we thought it would be action or something BUT it was a comedy. IT WAS ONE OF THE FUNNIEST MOVIES I’VE EVER SEEN, and it actually had a really good story in it, with a plottwist. God, I love plottwists. Melissa McCarthy played in it, you know the one from The Heat, I think she’s hilarious!!! She’s a really good actress. So if you wanna see a movie which is fun but good, you need to go to the cinema and see Spy! (Or download it illegaly, but you haven’t heard this from me!!!!)

Briefly worded, this day was kind of though. But it seems to get more though every single day. I survived a whole dinner in front of my nose, without blinking or doubting myself once. So I believe in myself and it’s really good to know that others believe in me too. I hope you enjoyed today’s interesting post, and I’ll post tomorrows post way earlier. I’M SO TIRED. I need to rest well because otherwise I’ll go of my stick, as we say in Dutch 😛 (It means fainting. Yeah we Dutch people, we’re weird) If the tree was really spiritual, and it we’ll help us finish the Master Cleanse, we will see. But it sure wasn’t helpful today…. I’m sure it was because I called it stupid. Well, YOU ARE A STUPID TREE!!!!! THANK YOU FOR FOLLOWING ME THROUGH MY JOURNEY, I’m going to go to bed. See ya!